Year 4 newsletter 05.05.23

We are rigorous, inquisitive and creative.

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

I hope this update finds you and your families well. This week has marked three special events. We celebrated Labour Day, Coronation Day to honour King Maha Vajiralongkorn and, today, King Charles III’s Coronation Day.

Despite the shorter school week, we have been busy and productive. On Monday, we held our twice annual CPL day, which provided an opportunity for our teachers to engage in professional learning across a range of disciplines. We were extremely fortunate to have Tom Sherrington as our keynote speaker, who continues supporting us with evidenced based classroom practices. I was pleased to see so many parents in attendance at Tom's workshop on Tuesday, which was an excellent opportunity to gain further insight into our ethos and pedagogy.

With the especially warm temperatures set to continue, please be assured we are actively monitoring the Heat Index and our Heat Management Guidelines at all times. We want to ensure that our students and staff are safe and comfortable during hot weather, and we take all necessary measures to prevent heat-related illnesses. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

5th MayWear red, white and blue for King Charles' Coronation Day
8th- 12th MayPerformance week
9th MayPTG Tech Talk8am in the Primary Hall
13th MayPatana SOLO festival
18th MayYear 3 & Year 4 Readers' Theatre Final
22nd May- 2nd JuneMatt Dickinson, author visit
5th JuneVisakha Bukha Day
5th JunePublic HolidaySchool closed
8th JuneBusking Day

General Information & Wellbeing

Performance Week


Our RSE lessons will begin next week (week beginning 8/5/23) with the question box lesson. 

Here is a screencast of the RSE presentation. The videos referenced throughout the screencast are below. 

Here are the videos referred to during the presentation:

Here are some suggestions for how to talk with your child .

If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to  myself, 

A Message from the PTG

Learning In Year 4

Term 3- Young Entrepreneurs 

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.

IT- Term 3

This term in IT the children will be learning to code Micro:bit computers using MakeCode.

If you want to have a go at home try the website tutorials and simulator here - Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit (

Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit

A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit powered by Microsoft MakeCode.

                                                         PE- Term 3

Here is the timetable for PE in Year 4, Term 3.

TGFU (Games) = Patana PE kit, sports shoes and water bottle

OAA (Outdoor Adventure Activities) = Patana PE kit, sports shoes, sunhat and water bottle

Mini Tennis = Patana PE kit, sports shoes and water bottle

Gymnastics = Patana PE kit and water bottle


                     A Year 4 student will be celebrating their 
                                        birthdays this week:
                                            Perry, 4D
                                             Bilal, 4A
                                             Lily, 4T
                                          Marnie, 4T

                          We wish you a very happy birthday!


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep - Ashmeet Narula

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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