Year 4 Newsletter 02.09.22

We are motivated and engaged

In assembly this week, the Year 4 children headed to the theatre for a special performance from the Year 4 teaching team and an introduction to our new learning theme- Chocolate! 

Can you spot your teacher on stage ?

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

DateEventWho is involved?Notes

5th September

ECA block 1 commences

16th SeptemberSchool closed, long weekend

26th- 29th SeptemberParent- teacher meetingsStaff and parents

7th October Tiger Spirit DayStudents


Introduction to The Learning meetings

It was lovely to see so many parents at the Introduction to the learning meetings this week. Working in partnership, parents and teachers is so valuable for your children. If you were unable to come to the meeting you can see a copy of the slides on your child's blog page which can be found here. The blogs are updated weekly and it is a great way for you to be able to see what your child has been doing at school.

Nut free Primary School

For some children, any exposure to nuts is potentially very dangerous and can be life threatening.

We do not allow any nuts to be brought into Primary. This includes snacks on school transport, birthday treats and food items brought in for any other special days.

Some treats, such as macarons contain hidden nuts. Please check the ingredients before sending into school. If snacks or birthday treats are found to contain nuts, we will contact you and either dispose of the food safely or ask you to collect and take back home.

A few reminders:

  • Please ensure your child has a spare mask in their bags just in case theirs breaks or gets lost.
  • Hats - your child needs a hat to access all the play areas and for PE lessons. It is best to be left in school all week.
  • Water bottle
  • Naming property - Please put your child's name and class code on all their uniform, shoes, hats and water bottles to ensure a safe return if they get left behind!

Learning In Year 4

Term 1A

This week, we began our new learning theme of 'Chocolate' with 2 days of chocolate themed activities.  Throughout Term 1, we will be looking at how chocolate is made, the history of chocolate and how it impacts our world.

For more information please visit our Year 4 Curriculum Page.


As Year 4 PE lessons are before break time, the children can arrive at school in their PE kits (or swimming kits underneath their PE kits). They will then need to change into their uniforms at the end of the PE lesson.


Basketball lessons require Patana PE kit; water bottle and PE shoes.

Swimming lessons require black or Patana swim kit, swimhat, goggles and towel. Long sleeved rash vest / suit optional.

General information

                              It is Myna's (4F) birthday this week.

                             We wish you a very happy birthday!


A warm welcome from PTG to all the parents old and new. If you would like to be a part of PTG and help out with future activities, do get in touch with us at

Meanwhile here's a FUN video from us:

A Message from the Japanese Group




Hello! We are the Japan Group consisting of approximately 70 families, and mainly supporting International Day and other school activities.

If you are a Japanese speaker and are interested in joining this group, please contact us.

Our contact is here:


DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258
Transport02 785 2470
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785 2231
Year 4 Rep -  Ashmeet Narula

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Ms Sarah Weaver

Ms Dominique Chandler

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