CSL Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th June

Equipment list for today - click to reveal

  • Pencil and paper
  • Colouring pencils or pens
  • Water bottle
  • Mathletics sign in password

Morning Reading

Log in details


For example - Year 4C

Username - Y4 doch (dominique chandler)

Password - Patana19

Activity 1 - Literacy

Literacy Learning

Due to your orientation day, you may not have had time to complete your literacy review. If you did not reflect on your radio script in school then please follow option A.

If you completed your radio script review in class, please choose option B.

OPTION A - LI: Can I review?


Download the presentation and you can write your answers into the slides.

Can I review? 


Now you have reviewed your script. Make the appropriate changes and re record your radio advert with the additional improvements. 

You can use the success criteria to remind you of the key features. 

Please share it with your teacher.

EL Blog link

Brain break

Brain breaks are very important. Make sure that you do take these breaks.

They are good for your mind, body and soul.

Choose 2 or 3 of these activities to do during each brain break:

Brain Breaks for Today :)

Here are some of your suggestions:

  • Listen to some calm music
  • Read a book
  • Play a game
  • Run on the spot
  • Do some meditation
  • Do a jigsaw puzzle
  • Doodle

Activitiy 2 - Guided Reading

Guided Reading

Read About - Snow leopards

Snow leopards live in mountainous areas across a vast range of Asia. They have thick hair to keep them warm. This hair is usually creamy yellow or grey, and covered with greyish black spots. Snow leopards have very powerful legs that help them to jump as far as fifty feet. Snow leopards are shy cats, meaning they are rarely seen in the wild.

In this clip, we will see how snow leopards rub their faces on particular areas to mark their territory.


As we have learnt from the video, snow leopards leave messages for their neighbours through their unique scent.

Write your own message to someone that you care about to let them know you are thinking of them (this could be a neighbour you know, a family member or a friend).

You could include the following:

Why you have decided to write them a message

What you have been up to since you last spoke

Questions about how they are and what they have been up to

What you have learnt about snow leopards

Anything else that you’d like to tell them

Remember to ask for permission from a grown-up you live with before sending it!


Using the information in the video, create a true or false quiz for your family or friends. Once you have finished, you can test them (make sure you have the correct answers written down so you can check if they are right!)

Y4 EL blog here

Brain Break

Activity 3 - PE


Can I measure my muscular endurance?

The link provided contains both the warm up and the main activity today. Make sure you read all the instructions carefully.

Muscular Endurance powerpoint

If you're not able to do the learning for today then please follow this link for an alternative.

Joe Wicks workout

If you’re looking for more activities to try go to the Primary PE Blog and have a go at our weekly challenge


Or you could go to the Virtual Home Learning section where you’ll finds lots of different activities which will keep you active


Brain break

Activity 4 - Mathematics

Mathematics Learning

LI: Can I identify angles?

Instructions :

1. Watch the video below to remind you of yesterday's learning.


2. Complete the challenges below and then check and mark your learning

3. If you have finished, don't forget to visit Mathletics..



Extra Challenge

Extra Challenge

EL Blog link

Brain Break

Secondary Brain Break Suggestion :)

Take a break and listen to our story - James and the Giant Peach Episode 10

Activity 5 - Creativity

Or even better, choose one of the activities below that doesn't require a screen ;)

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