Thursday 25th June

Good Morning Year 3 Group 2!

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Literacy : Can I understand a text?

Listen to Chapter 5 using the link below for the audio version;

Did you like the ending of the text? Why?

PE: Can I juggle more than one object?

Warm Up: Follow the link below for today’s warm up.

Main activity: Today you will be focusing on juggling. You will need three objects to juggle with. Bean bags work best but if you don't have them then tennis balls or even some rolled up socks will work.

Watch Mr Tatam’s family giving it a go

This tutorial will help you develop the skills to perfect your juggle.

If you are able to juggle 3 balls consistently then why don’t you give these skills a try.

Not able to do the learning? Click below for an alternative;

Click here for the weekly PE Challenge:

If you’re looking for more activities to try go to the Primary PE Blog and have a go at our weekly challenge

Or you could go to the Virtual Home Learning section where you’ll finds lots of different activities which will keep you active


Maths: Can I identify 3D shapes?

Art: Can I colour a poster?

Learning Task: You are going to think about the purpose of colour & used it effectively in a poster titled ‘Diversity & Inclusion’. Click the link to the art blog, watch the introduction video and click the link to follow the instructions on the Google slide.

Resources: Diversity & Inclusion Poster, colours

How am I going to share my learning? When you have finished your drawing, place it in your ‘Connected Learning Slides. You can share it with Mr Dallas by following this link and placing it in your art class folder:


Connected Learning : Can I evaluate?

Think about the Design and Technology project you have completed. Read through the criteria below.

Now, answer the following questions:

  1. What part of the project did you enjoy the most?

  2. What part of the project are you proudest of?

  3. If you were to do this project again, what would you do differently to improve your project?

  4. How could you use the skills you have learned during this project to do something else?


  • A head

  • A body

  • Two arms

  • Two legs

  • Stands up by itself.

  • Stays together without being held.

  • Has a metallic covering.

  • (Optional) Separate hands and feet.

  • (Optional) a neck.


Success Criteria Level 1:

  • Two Eyes.

  • One ear

  • One Nose

  • A mouth

Success Criteria Level 2:

  • Antenna on head

  • Hands have fingers

Success Criteria Level 3:

  • Eyes light up

  • Buttons or control panel on chest

  • Face shows an emotion.


  • Background chosen is from a scene in the story.

  • Background has things from the scene in the story in it (rocks, ocean, Hogarth, farmers, a tractor, a pit and so on…)

  • Picture and background make the Iron Man look very very big!



Please click here for ECAs