Y2 Newsletter 29.09.23

It's nearly time to show our Tiger Spirit!

Upcoming Events

Bangkok Patana Fun Run01/10/23Whole School
KS1 Assembly (Parents invited)06/10/23Primary Hall
Year 2 Music Performance Week02/10/23Music Classrooms
Tiger Spirit Day - (Tiger colours non-uniform)04/10/23Primary School
Year 2 Educational Visit to the Sealife Centre11/10/23Sealife Centre
Last day of Term 1A11/10/23Whole School
Academic Staff CPL day (School Closed)12/10/23Whole School
Academic Staff CPL day (School Closed)13/10/23Whole School

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

Dear Parents,

A highlight for me this week was our Creative Arts parent workshop on Tuesday. Rather than a presentation in the Primary Hall, we welcomed our parents to experience what it is like to take part in a Patana Music, Art and a Drama lesson! A great time was had by all and we think our parents learnt some valuable new skills too!

Next week, we look forward to our Y1 – Y6 Parent-Teacher meetings. This is the first formal meeting of the year where we will discuss how your child is settling into their new class, give a starting indication of their learning aptitude and attitudes and address any questions you may have. We have shared lots of important information in the recent weeks on the new developments in assessment and reporting, so please do take time to digest.

Have a great weekend, let’s hope this rain stops soon!


Parent Teacher Meetings

Next week we are looking forward to our first round of parent teacher meetings. An opportunity to celebrate your child's learning and to hear how they have settled into Year 2.

There will be limited supervision for students on these afternoons.

ECAs will run as normal. 

Music Performance Week

Performance Week will be happening twice this year, once in Term 1 and once in Term 3.

In Term 1, the performances will take place in regular class music lessons during 2nd - 6th October.

Performance Week is an opportunity for any child who is learning a musical instrument to perform in front of a small audience during their regular timetabled music lesson. Children can sign up to perform during their music lessons and it is an internal event with no spectators. We encourage all students who learn a musical instrument to participate.

Please support your child to perform if they take lessons on an instrument and please help them to bring their music/instrument on the right day:

Any questions can be directed to the music teachers:

Ms Rachel rast@patana.ac.th

Miss Lisa lima@patana.ac.th

Mr Charlie chmc@patana.ac.th

Year 2

Monday 2nd October -   2D

Tuesday 3rd October -  2K, 2W

Wednesday 4th October -  2P

Thursday 5th October - 2B, 2M

Friday 6th October - 2C, 2F

Mathematics Competition

Class Blogs

Please visit our class blogs every Friday to find out about our learning in each of the classes!

Click this picture to take you directly to the blogs


To find out about our Year 2 curriculum please visit our Curriculum page.

Click this picture to take you directly to our curriculum page.

General Information

Snacks before ECAs

Sometimes the students are hungry after a long day at school and before their ECA begins. 

Teachers allow the students time at the end of the day whilst lining up and waiting for their provider to eat their snack if they need it.

Please make sure this snack is in their bag for them to eat independently without support.

If you wish to see your child before their ECA please email the class teacher in advance so they can hand them over to you whilst ensuring all other children are safely taken to their ECA providers.

Tiger Spirit Day - 4th of October

Birthday celebrations

The following students are/were celebrating this week...

Cathryn (2B)

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts, or cupcakes. 

Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School and also check with the class teacher for any other dietary requirements of the class.

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Clare Blencowe clbl@patana.ac.th

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