Y2 Newsletter 26.04.24

Upcoming Events

Block D ECAs Begin29/04/24Whole School
PTG Big Quiz30/05/24Primary Hall
National Labour Day: School Closed - Academic Staff CPL Day01/05/24Whole School
Year 2 Author Visit: Nawal Kalra02/05/24Year 2
Production: Madagascar Performance 1 (15:30 - 17:00)08/05/24Theatre
Production: Madagascar Performance 2 (15:30 - 17:00)10/05/24Theatre
Book Fair (Monday - Friday)13/05/24Primary Library
Year 2 Swimming Gala - Postponed - **New Date**
16/05/2425m Pool
Public Holiday - School Closed22/05/24
Primary Music Performance Week27/05/24Music Lessons
Year 2 Sleepover30/05/24Year 2
Public Holiday - School Closed03/06/24Whole School
Whole School End of Year Assembly21/06/24Sports Hall
Last Day of Academic Year 23/2421/06/24Whole School

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

Dear Parents,

Welcome back. It has been such a joy seeing our students happy to return and eager for the remaining 9 weeks of the academic year.

It has certainly been a busy start to term, and I want to extend a big thank you to Ms. Jayne and the PE team for kicking off Sports Week, and to Mr Glenn and Mr. Max for putting together an exciting E-Sports showcase. Meanwhile, Year 6 are gearing up for Madagascar the musical, and we would be delighted if you could join us for one of the performances on May 8th or 10th.

In other news, on Monday we had a most unusual visitor to one of our Foundation Stage classrooms – a green tree snake! He was captured overnight and returned to the wild. His visit certainly provoked a lot of interest from our youngest students!

Sarah McCormack

RSE Curriculum

Next week taught lessons for our Relationship Sex Education (RSE) curriculum will begin in PSHE lesson time. There will be one lesson per week and the content will be taught by your child's class teacher in their classrooms.

Next week's lesson explores changes and how they are normal and happen everyday. The students explore how  changes can make us feel different emotions and how they might cope with these feelings.

The examples we use range from changing weather to moving home. 

Should you have any questions please do contact your child's class teacher.

Year 2 Sleepover

You should have received an information letter about our Year 2 sleepover that is taking place on Thursday the 30th of May.

Please complete the consent form and return to your child's class teacher.

Should you have any questions or concerns about your child's participation in the sleepover then please contact their class teacher to discuss our provisions for this exciting event.

Morning Drop Off at School

As we enter our final term of the academic year we are trying to encourage greater independence in the Year 2 students.

If you drop your children off at the Year 2 building please can we ask that you say your farewells outside, and allow them to come upstairs in the line with their teacher, or independently if they arrive late.

Thank you for supporting us with this.


3 in 3 PTG Patana Tech Tips 25th April 2024 (youtube.com)

0:00 #1 Installing Office 365 on additional devices in your house

0:57 #2 Five tips for having healthier conversations with your kids

Screenagers Blog | 5 Ways To Have Healthier Parent-Child conflicts (screenagersmovie.com)

1:51 #3 Make sure emails from Patana don't go into your junk email folder

Birthday celebrations

We have one student celebrating this week...

Rose [Rosie] (2F)

Happy Birthday to you!

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school. 

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts, or cupcakes. 

Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School and also check with the class teacher for any other dietary requirements of the class.

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Claire Brazier clba@patana.ac.th

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