Y2 Newsletter 15.03.24

Upcoming Events

ECA Block D sign up opens18/03/24Whole School
KS1 Assembly (Parents invited)22/03/24Primary Hall
Primary Parent Teacher Meetings (Sign-up released closer to event date)25/03/24 - 28/03/24Primary School
Primary Parent Workshop: RSE presentation for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 328/03/24Conference Centre 420
Primary Parent Workshop: Assessment and Reporting #404/04/24Primary Hall
Primary Songkran Assembly (8:50 - 9:30) - Parents invited 05/04/24Sports Hall
Last Day of Term 205/04/24Whole School
Songkran Holidays08/04/24 - 22/04/24Whole School
Term 3 Begins22/04/24Whole School

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

It has been an explosive and enlightening week in Primary, as we celebrated our annual Science Week. Welcoming back Ruben Meerman and Ian Stuart, all our students have been immersed in Science.

In Year 5, the students have been investigating how different light conditions impact on the production of oxygen for pond weed plants. In Year 1, the children have been studying the periodic table, making molecules of H2O2 and NH3, and magnifying anything in sight x100. In Year 6, the learning has focused on the structure of atoms, calculating the amount of protons, neutrons and electrons needed to make up specific atoms and went on to build them using Ian's unique ‘atom maker’.

Over the next 2 weeks, Ruben and Ian are collaborating with our teacher Science leads to develop a curriculum that integrates discrete atomic theory units of learning and inter woven links to existing Science units! Impressive stuff Patana Primary!

Congratulations, finally, to our Year 3 students who had a great week at Residential, and good luck to those who are off next week

Sarah McCormack

Save the date – RSE (relationship and sex) presentations for Primary Parents

During Term 2B, we introduce age appropriate RSE units as part of our Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum in Years 1 to 6.

If you would like to hear more about our taught programme, please save the date for our parent presentations.

All presentations start at 8:00.

We will share the presentation slides via the year group newsletter for those of you who cannot attend.

Tuesday 26th March (Primary Hall)

Year 4 and Year 5 parents and carers

Thursday 28th March (Conference Centre)

Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 parents and carers

Tuesday 2nd April (Primary Hall)

Year 6 parents and carers

Primary School Class Mixing

We are now starting the process of re-mixing some year groups for the 2024-25 academic year.

Foundation Stage classes are remixed at the end of every year, as the number of classes increases every year from Nursery through to Year 1.

Once in Key Stage 1, classes will be re-mixed every time they move into a new building.

Cohorts being remixed ready for August 2024 are therefore as follows.

Nursery - > FS1


FS1 -> FS2


FS2 -> Y1


Y1 -> Y2

Stays the same

Y2 -> Y3


Y3 -> Y4

Stays the same

Y4 -> Y5


Y5 -> Y6

Stays the same

Y6 -> Y7

Re-mixing with Student input

Why we re-mix the classes?

We have a large number of arriving and departing students each year. This means that classes need to be re-mixed regularly so that we have a balance of boys and girls, nationalities, specific needs and languages across the year group.

We need to consider many factors, but we always try to ensure that every child starts the year with one secure and positive friendship. Our teachers decide on class placements based on their detailed knowledge of individual children and friendship groups.

Your child may feel disappointed if they find themselves in a different class from a particular friend. Parents may even find themselves under pressure to ‘fix the problem’ for them. If this becomes the case for your child, we ask that you support the school’s decision-making process. Most worries quickly disappear once the children are back in school, and the class teachers and Year Leaders will always be ready to offer support.

Year 6 Production - Save the Date

School Photos

The cards for ordering school photos were distributed to students this week. If you have not seen your child (ren)’s postcards, please ask them.

Two important pieces of information:

1. The deadline for 25% off has been extended to 2nd April.

2. The photos shown online are not yet fully cleaned up. This will be done when the photos are ordered.


There is also a customer service email address on each card. If students lose their card and need to find their code, please direct them to email customerservice@pre-a-portrait.net.


PTG Tech Talks

Birthday celebrations

The following students are celebrating this week or over the half term break...

Mingtian [Tim] (2F)

Chada (2M)

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts, or cupcakes. 

Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School and also check with the class teacher for any other dietary requirements of the class.

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Claire Brazier clba@patana.ac.th

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