Y2 Newsletter 10.05.24

Upcoming Events

Book Fair (Monday - Friday)13/05/24Primary Library
Year 2 Swimming Gala 
15/05/2425m Pool
Public Holiday - School Closed22/05/24
Primary Music Performance Week27/05/24Music Lessons
Year 2 Sleepover30/05/24Year 2
Public Holiday - School Closed03/06/24Whole School
Whole School End of Year Assembly21/06/24Sports Hall
Last Day of Academic Year 23/2421/06/24Whole School

A note from Mrs McCormack (Primary Principal):

Dear Parents,

This week in Primary has been nothing short of spectacular, with our Year 6 students delivering an unforgettable performance of Madagascar the Musical! Over four captivating shows, they showcased remarkable stage presence, confidence, acting prowess, singing talent, humour, and outstanding teamwork. After six months of dedicated preparation, their hard work culminated in a truly remarkable show.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Creative Arts team, including Charlie, Rachel, and Lisa, and especially to Ms. Lexi, whose tireless dedication, passion, and enthusiasm brought our inaugural Year 6 production to life! Bravo and congratulations to all involved!

RSE Curriculum

This week the students explore lifecycles in nature and how creatures change and grow in the natural world. They will look at the lifecycle of a sunflower and then also explore frogs and butterflies. 

We begin to talk about how humans change over time, focusing on visible differences over time. For example: we get taller, our hair might change colour, or we get different teeth.

This lesson helps them to consider how all living things go through changes as they grow.

Should you have any questions please do contact your child's class teacher.

Swimming Gala - Wednesday 15th of May

On Wednesday the Year 2 students get the chance to showcase their swimming skills in the 25m pool. Parents are invited to attend and cheer on our brave Year 2 children.

Students need to bring: 

swimming kit, goggles, towel, school uniform and water bottle

Sunscreen should be applied before they come to school.

Students swimming in the first session (7:45) should come to school wearing their swimming costume under their school uniform. This will help to speed up changing before the Gala.

7:45 - 9:45: 2K, 2M, 2D and 2C

9:45 - 11:15: 2W, 2P, 2F and 2B

Year 2 Banded Reading Books

Students should be bringing home a colour banded reading book every week to read and share at home. 

These can be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in class.

If you have more than one of these at home please can we ask that they are returned to school. Students should only be taking books when asked to do so by their teacher.

Morning Drop Off at School

As we enter our final term of the academic year we are trying to encourage greater independence in the Year 2 students.

If you drop your children off at the Year 2 building please can we ask that you say your farewells outside, and allow them to come upstairs in the line with their teacher, or independently if they arrive late.

Thank you for supporting us with this.


sent on 09 May 2024 20:27

Birthday celebrations

These students are celebrating this week...

Nasutee [Tee] (2M)
Jacob (2P)
Pawin [Marty] (2D)
Erine (2K)

Happy Birthday to you!

We cannot give out party bags or gifts - please keep these for any sort of celebration that you do out of school. 

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts, or cupcakes. 

Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School and also check with the class teacher for any other dietary requirements of the class.

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep: 


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac.th

Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

Claire Brazier clba@patana.ac.th

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