Sharing your projects - OneNote

Share your code and progress each week in the ClassNotebook in OneNote.


Description of the program, commands and sequence

Embedded Code & File

You can share your project using the Share icon ...

Paste the code into your OneNote page and your program will appear like this.

Click the code image to test my game.

Example Explanation

Input - Shake the device

The game creates three different random outputs.   

When we shake the Microbit we generate a random value for our variable "Hand" 1, 2 or 3. 

Output patterns from the LEDs 
  1. Paper
  2. Rock
  3. Scissors

This pick random command means we will always get a random picture, rock, scissors of paper!

Learning Intentions

Can I reflect on my learning?

Success Criteria

I can explain what the code does

I can describe my iterations (improvements)

I can embed my Code

I can add my file

I can use quality language