Logo Design

Learning intention: Can I create a digital logo?

Success Criteria:

1) I can understand what makes a logo effective

2) I can recognise famous company logos

3) I can understand how colour can affect perceptions

4) I can design a logo for a new company

1) I can understand what makes a logo effective - 5 mins

Dictionary Corner:



  1. a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify itself or it's products

An effective logo is a distinctive, appropriate graphic which is simple in form.

distinctive = stands out or easy to recognise

appropriate = suitable for the company or product being sold

graphic = picture or image

simple form = not a detailed picture or image

2) I can recognise famous company logos - 10 mins

How many can you and a partner get??

3) I can understand how colour can affect perceptions - 5 mins

Advertisers and psychologists have done many tests and studies to see how different colours make people feel. It does not work every time with every person but the results generally show:

4) I can design a logo for a new company - 25 mins

Your teacher will demonstrate how to create a logo using PowerPoint!

Choose 1 company scenario - 20 minute countdown timer starts

a) A new sports company is starting up that have designed the most amazing new football that goes twice as fast in the air and can curl and swerve twice as far.

They are called HYPERBALL.


b) A new restaurant company has just started up in Bangkok that are aimed at kids having fun! They have arcade games, foam ball parks, loads of toys and unlimited icecream.

They are called FUNYUM.

c) A new company is starting up very soon that will be selling the worlds first underwater laptop! You can take it to the beach, use it in the pool and even when you are scuba diving without worrying about it breaking!

They are called AQUATECH.


Look at your partner's logo, have they created an effective one?

An effective logo is a distinctive, appropriate graphic which is simple in form.

distinctive = stands out or easy to recognise

appropriate = suitable for the company or product being sold

graphic = picture or image

simple form = not a detailed picture or image

What colours did they choose and why do you think they chose these?

Tell your partner what you think of their logo!