Lesson 6 - Create My Own Mini Story

Using the code and the structure we have learned over the past five lessons, it's now your turn to make your own mini story.

You can work on your own, a pair or a three. 

If you work as a team, you must make a separate part of the story. For example as a team of 3:

Person 1: makes the fading introduction and rocket blasting off.

Person 2: makes the rocket land and the boy searching Mars.

Person 3: makes the boy walk back to his rocket and, inside the rocket, as he's coming back to Earth, he sees his cupcake has vanished.

Use the Scratch template to begin your story by clicking here

Inside the template you are given, simply delete the pieces you don't want.

To share your project, rename it with your Name and Class

Then press go to the Project Page

Click Share

Then Add to Studio 

to your Lesson 4 project studio pages.

SpriteAn object in Scratch which performs functions controlled by scripts
StageThe background of a project, performs functions through scripting
BlockBlocks make up scripts, which make a project work
ScriptA script is a collection or stack of blocks that all interlock with one another. The blocks and their order are very important, as they determine how sprites interact with each other and the backdrop.
Green FlagSometimes simply called the 'flag,' this is what starts most projects' scripts running
TweeningMoving between two points - given in coordinates X , Y
CommentsSometimes, comments are attached to scripts to explain what certain blocks do and what the script's purpose is.
X PositionThe position that a sprite or the mouse is at along the horizontal axis
Y PositionThe position that a sprite or the mouse is at along the vertical axis

Learning Intentions:

Can I animate with code?

Can I create a changing scene in a mini story?

Teacher Lesson 6 Scratch file link

Success Criteria:

I can use code blocks in a precise order.

I can make my sprites move, hide, fade and communicate with each other (broadcasting)

I can test and re-test my code to create precise movement.

Life on Mars images Link
Life on Mars Lesson 6 Scratch file and Link
Name and Link
Name and Link