Y1 Puppet Pals - Recording Multiple Scenes

      This is an app you will need to purchase - Link here (only on Apple)

First, you will need to add characters and Scenes 

Then, arrange your characters into the starting positions for part 1 - The beginning.

Next, pause the recording, and change the scene.   Arrange your characters for part 2 - the middle.

Use pause between scenes - NOT STOP

Repeat for further scenes.  

Remember to follow the story plan!

Lastly, review your completed clip.   

Don't worry if you need to re-record a few times.  Practice makes perfect

If it was good, save your clip with a good name.

Finally, name and export your clip.

Now you have done it once. Why not try again with a different story plan?

If needed you can also edit the clip(s) in iMovie.

Learning Intention

Can I create a simple film?

Success Criteria

I can add characters

I can choose my setting (background)

I can record a clip with voice and movement