Puppet Pals - Saving and Exporting

When we finish a good story it is very important we save our creation.

You need to add your name and your class when you save.

Then you can watch and review the story.  

What do you think is good about your story?  

How did you do - Check listDid you do it?
I stuck to my plan for my story with a clear start, middle & endYes / Not yet
I used characters and movement to tell a storyYes / Not yet
I used good story language,

- Once upon a time ...

- In a galaxy far far away ...

- The next day ...

- Suddenly, the ...

- At last, everyone was ...

- And they all lived happily ever after.

Yes / Not yet

How could you improve it?

I sequenced the events in the storyYes / Not yet
I used voices for my different characters.Yes / Not yet
I changed the backgrounds to match eventsYes / Not yet

Finally, export you story to save it/them to the device.

Finally,  add your videos to Seesaw to show everyone what you have made.

Learning Intention

Can I create a simple film?

Success Criteria

I can review my clip

I can export my clip

I can share my clip