Thursday 30th April

Morning Register

Please click on the image below to register yourself (you only need to do this once today):

Stop! Get yourself ready for today.

  • Laptop
  • Headphones
  • Maths book or paper
  • Pencil

Lesson 1: Literacy (8-8:40am)

This is a pre recorded lesson. Click here to watch.

Written instructions with resources

Can I create usable notes?

Learning Task: You are going to watch a short video by Miss Hallsworth. Then you will continue to create and improve your notes.

Resources: ‘How does the Heart work? Click here, laptop and planning sheet in your Literacy Google Slides.

How will you share your learning: On your planning sheet in your Literacy Google Slides document.

Time Frame: 40 minutes.

Do you need extra support with locating sections of text? Click here.

Here is a google slide with information on heart organised into different subheadings.

Scroll down to find the information that you are looking for. 

Take notes.

Brain Break

Here are your brain breaks for today. When you see the brain break sign, click and pick 1 to 3 activities.

Choose your brain break activities here

Have a drink and a snack before starting again.

Lesson 2: Maths Live Lesson (9-9:40am)

Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams.

Enter your Maths class's section.

Be in your Maths class's section by 8:55am.

Wait for your teacher to start the lesson. Please DO NOT start this yourself.

Join the lesson at 9:00am.

Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones

Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

Remind yourself of the expectations before joining the live lesson

Brain Break

Remember to choose from one of the brain break activities.

Have a drink and a snack before starting again.

Lesson 3: Reading (10-10:40am)

Your Reading learning

Can I make connections?

Learning Task: Make and share connections you have made with the texts.

How will I share my learning? Your Reading document in your Google Shared Drive.


1. Choose 8 words from the list in the box below (they have all come from the pages we have been using in our Literacy and Reading lessons).

2. On a plain piece of paper (or your sketchbook), spread out your 8 words across the page.

3. Write sentences to show how you can connect the words (use full sentences):

  • Text to text
  • Text to self
  • Text to world

Here is an example of what it could look like (different theme):

Challenge & Extend:

If you wish to challenge yourself more, add in some more words from the text, or even add in some of your own words to your text map.

Time frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

Choose 8 words from this list:

Brain Break

Refer to the list above. Remember to drink some water as well.

Lesson 4: MFL (11-11:40am)

Message for EAL students

Mr Steve has two EML groups: A and B

This session is for Group B only.

You have received an invitation to this lesson. Check your calendar.

Start your live lesson with Mr Steve in the Y6 EML channel in Microsoft Teams now.

German, Japanese & Mandarin: Please visit the Google Classroom group for your MFL language. If you are unsure, please contact your MFL teacher.

Spanish: Please read the task below.

Your Spanish learning


Can I ask and answer?

1. Watch the video here.

2. Go to Google Classroom, click on 'Classwork' and select 'Continuing Student Learning' to find the assignment for today.

French: Please watch the video below and then visit our Google Classroom

Your French learning

Thai for native Thai speakers : Please read the task below.

Your Thai learning

Kru Sasi's Group

Please go to our Google Classroom group:

6P, 6H, 6J, 6E

6G, 6F, 6D, 6C

Kru Ne’s group

Can I write a summary of a text? (เขียนสรุปใจความสำคัญ)

  • Go to Firefly.
  • Check the task and follow the instructions.
Kru Mou's group

Follow this link here to visit our Google Classroom group. 

Click on Classwork and select คำตอบอัศจรรย์ ๓ ประการ Part 2.

Thai for non-native Thai speakers: Please read the task below.

Your Thai learning

Go to Google Classroom, select 'Classwork' and then 'Animals Part 2'.

Or follow this link.

EAL with Mr Steve: Click on this LINK and go to the CSL EAL blog and find the learning for this session.


Lesson 5: PSHE (1-1:20pm)

Visual instructions

Written instructions

Can I practise mindfulness?

Learning Task: Practise some mindfulness.

Time Frame: 20 minutes

Task: Spend the next 20 minutes until our class call practising mindfulness. 

You could:

  • Listen to your favourite music and identify the different instruments being played.
  • Try some of these drawing activities.
  • Read a book in a quiet spot.
  • Practise meditating.

Class Story Live (1:20-1:40pm)

Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams.

Enter your class' section.

Join the Story live lesson at 1:20pm

Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones

Time Frame: 20 minutes

Important Reminder:

There is no school tomorrow (teacher training day) or on Monday (public holiday).

Enjoy your long weekend, and we will see you again on Tuesday!

End of the day EXIT TICKET

Before leaving, you must click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.

Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.