Year 4 Newsletter 8-11-19

Living our Values

We are motivated and engaged!

We have enjoyed finding out lots about chocolate today!

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
Loi Krathong - dress up day11.11.19Primary Hall - 10:05-11:00 Y4 students making krathongs 
Residential Meeting for Primary Parents 19.11.19Primary Hall - start and then over to Y4
Year 4 Sports Day 26.11.19
Back field (near Y5/6 and hard court)Year 4 students- parents welcome 
Whole School 'Non-Fiction' Dress Up Day 29.11.19
All staff and students to dress up
King Rama IX Day 5.12.19School closed 

Loi Krathong: Monday 11th November 2019

Loi Krathong is a festival for honouring the rivers and water.

A Krathong is floated on water with good wishes for the year ahead.

The Krathong is made from woven banana leaves and decorated with flowers and incense.

Thai dress

Students are encouraged to wear traditional Thai clothes to school. Any effort is appreciated.

You may find the clothes at the local markets, Big C or Tesco. The best help would come from asking your Thai friends, nannies or drivers to help.

Please wash the clothes before wearing them.

Thank you.

Primary Thai Team


Influenza A is present at the moment.  We are reminding students to cough and sneeze without spreading their germs onto their hands and to wash their hands often.  Please do keep your child home if they are showing what could be the early signs and do stay in touch with us if they are diagnosed with Influenza.  

The Young Americans

International School Bangkok will be hosting workshops in music, dance and performance to students from 6 to 18 years old. The workshops are offering by the Young Americans on 25 – 26 January 2020. For more detail, please click here.


To find out more about our term's learning, please do visit the year group curriculum page.  Also, if any parents have any connection to chocolate in their line of work, we would love to hear from you to see whether there is any way that we can draw upon your expertise.  

Library Non-fiction month in November 

Next week we have a visiting author, Steve Swinburne, coming to see us. 

  • Steve Swinburne (NF Author Visit for Year 2 – Year 6) - 11th to 15th November
  • D.E.A.R. - 15th November, between 10:15 and 10:30
  • Whole School ‘Dress-Up’ Day -  Friday 29th November (Theme – Non-Fiction!)

Global Citizenship

If your child is able to read in another language, please encourage them to bring in a book in that language to share with their class.  We would like to celebrate all of the languages that our children can speak and provide opportunities for them to share this with their peers.  


4A Maya 08-November 
4T Dissara 10-November 
4C Jumpei [JP] 11-November
4L Shaurya 14-November 

Happy birthday to you all- we hope you have a great day!

General Information

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey
Year Group Leaders
Ms Kerry Meaden-Kendrick

Ms Dominique Chandler

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