Year 4 Newsletter 17.1.20

Living our Values

We are inquisitive and creative

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
ISA Overview for Y4,5 and 6 parents 21.1.20Primary HallY4 parents 
Chinese New Year Assembly 24.1.20 at 10:00 a.m.Sports HallStudents, staff and parents welcome 
Residential week 1 27.1.20-31.1.20Monday in school and Tuesday-Friday away4A, 4D, 4L and 4K
Residential week 2 3.2.20-7.2.20Monday in school and Tuesday-Friday away 4B, 4C, 4H and 4T
Half Term 7.2.20


Air Quality Information - Helen Thew, Cross Campus Principal

Air Quality levels are posted on our Students’, Parents’ and Staff Firefly Dashboards.

Links to our policies and procedures can be found here.

Air Quality levels are automatically read three times a day: Early morning, 11.00am and 1.30pm.

To further understand what happens when air quality levels reach higher than normal levels, please access the presentation given to parents in November here.

Students may come to school wearing masks but they are not obligated to do so.

With our new pre-cooled, fresh air systems in place, students can then remove their masks when they come into class.

Residential preparation

Many of our students are getting very excited about the upcoming residential visits but there are some who are feeling anxiety too.  Please do let your child know that it is very normal to be anxious about being away from home for three nights.  Talk together about strategies that they can use for any particular worries.  E.g. if they are worried about being afraid of the dark, look into packing a small night light that they can bring to have by their bed.  

If they still have accidents with regards to wetting the bed, we are happy to work with you and your child to alleviate any anxiety they may have about this.  

If you child seems overly worried, please do let their class teacher know.  We would like to work together to ensure that your child feels as supported as possible going into this experience.  


Please encourage your child to assist in the packing of their own bags so they can identify their own belongings. We recommend a soft holdall/duffel bag or small wheelie bag. Storage space on the bus and in the rooms can be tight. All belongings must be clearly labelled.

3 pairs of shorts

Toilet bag (with soap, shampoo, toothpaste,

4-5 T-shirts

toothbrush, comb or hairbrush, face towel)

5 pairs of socks

Sun cream / sunglasses / Hat

5 sets of underwear

Reading book / puzzle book /cards

1 pair of long trousers/jeans

Swimming costume

Sandals or flip-flops

Plastic bag for dirty laundry

Trainers or shoes suitable for activities

2 towels

Shoes to wear in water (e.g. Crocs)

Small backpack for day trips

Change of smart clothes for dinner

Water bottle with carrying strap

Pyjamas / nightdress

Mosquito repellent

Sweatshirt / jumper

Favourite teddy bear for a good night’s sleep!


New PE Units start next week 

Our new PE activities will start on Tuesday 21st January. Please see below for specific classes , activities and days .

All classes will have a Teeball as one of their activities. 

Please note that Teeball requires football boots in addition to their PE kit, water bottle and sun hat!

T.G.F.U = Teaching Games for Understanding. In this unit children will play a variety of team games to learn about teamwork, sportsmanship and tactics. Mini tennis and TGFU requires PE kit, sports shoes, water bottle and sunhat.

These activities will continue after February half term.  

Global Citizenship


Please note that the Chinese New Year Assembly will take place on Friday January 24th in the Sports Hall from 10am to 11am. This is a celebration based on the lunar calendar, which a number of countries in Asia celebrate. All students are invited to wear RED, GOLD, Chinese costume or a traditional costume from your child’s home country, that is worn during this celebration. If students prefer not to wear a costume, they should wear their school uniform. Parents and friends are invited to watch from the upper gallery area.

Attention new families 


The books are finally done and read for pick up.
To anyone who has pre-ordered a book, they are ready to collect.
If you have not yet purchased one, there are still a few copies left.

Donations to the local daycare will be given as soon as all the money is collected!


Our only birthday celebration this week is for Torres -4D- who will be celebrating on the 20th.  Happy birthday Torres.  We hope you have a lovely day!

General Information

Books and Biscuits Book Club’

Books and Biscuits Book Club is an opportunity for parents to share books that they have enjoyed with their children in their home language. The first meeting will be on Friday 24th January from 8-9am in LIB 207. During this time, we would love you to share with the rest of us one or two books, written in your home language, that you and your children have enjoyed, and why. Please confirm your attendance here. For further information please contact Mr. M at or Ms. Ondine at

Countdown to Dance Extravaganza Begins

Block 3 ECAs mark the start of the journey towards our annual Dance Extravaganza’s in June. Sign-up for Dance and Drama Academy ECAs in Block 3 to be part of the show!

Just like last year we will have a Junior Dance Extravaganza and a Senior Dance Extravaganza spread over two fantastic nights. Primary students will be involved in the Junior Extravaganza on Monday 8th of June.

Jazz, Ballet, Street Jazz, Hip Hop, Cheerleading or Musical Theatre – there is something for everyone.

This is your chance to perform on stage in front of a an audience in full costume and make-up like a professional dancer. Being involved in a Dance ECA is a great way to stay fit, meet new friends and learn new skills.

Visit this link to see pics from last year’s event!

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey
Year Group Leaders
Ms Kerry Meaden-Kendrick

Ms Dominique Chandler

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