Year 4 Newsletter 13.12.19

Living our Values

We are active volunteers 

Block 2 ECAs will resume on the first day of school in Term 2 (January 6th).

Upcoming Events

Event         Date     LocationWho's Involved
First Day of Term 26.1.20 

Primary School Photographs 9.1.20-17.1.20


Message from the PE team

Well done to all students who took part in our “Personal Challenge “ unit for PE over the last few lessons. It was fantastic to see such high levels of motivation throughout all the activities, and everyone should feel extremely proud of what they managed to achieve!

The first 2 weeks back after the holidays (Week beginning Monday 6th January and week beginning Monday 13th January) will be “Try A New Sport” fortnight. A range of new activities and sports will be on offer for Key Stage 2 students to try during their PE lessons.

Normal PE kit, plus a sun hat is required. There will also be water-based sports, so if your child thinks they might choose a water activity, then please bring in swim kit as well.

We wish Everyone a Happy Christmas and A Healthy New Year! From the Primary PE Team.  

Global Citizenship

Our student council got to meet the people who will be delivering our Christmas shoe boxes to the north of Thailand.  It was explained to the student council that the children receiving these boxes (1 each) would only get this for Christmas and nothing else.  They are hill tribe children who come from a very remote region. 


We have the following students celebrating their birthdays over the holidays and into our first week back. We hope you all have a lovely day!

4B Piriyabha [Pippa] 16-December 
4L Jeanpitcha [Jeanne] 17-December 
4H Emma 18-December 
4L Napat [Kelli] 20-December 
4D Auraya [Zoe] 23-December 
4B Yueqian 24-December 
4B Adriano 25-December 
4B Philip 27-December 
4B Raj 27-December 
4D Preda [Finn] 01-January
4K Chanyu 04-January 
4D Isa 09-January 

General Information

Countdown to Dance Extravaganza Begins

Block 3 ECAs mark the start of the journey towards our annual Dance Extravaganza’s in June. Sign-up for Dance and Drama Academy ECAs in Block 3 to be part of the show!

Just like last year we will have a Junior Dance Extravaganza and a Senior Dance Extravaganza spread over two fantastic nights. Primary students will be involved in the Junior Extravaganza on Monday 8th of June.

Jazz, Ballet, Street Jazz, Hip Hop, Cheerleading or Musical Theatre – there is something for everyone.

This is your chance to perform on stage in front of a an audience in full costume and make-up like a professional dancer. Being involved in a Dance ECA is a great way to stay fit, meet new friends and learn new skills.

Visit this link to see pics from last year’s event!

School Photographs - Thursday 9th- Friday 17th January 

Please make a note of the date and time for your child's class and individual photographs.  

Class Date Time 
4CFriday 10th January1:05 p.m.
4TFriday 10th January 1:30 p.m.
4AWednesday 15th January11:30 a.m.
4BFriday 17th January 8:45 a.m.
4L Friday 17th January 9:15 a.m.
4H Friday 17th January 10:05 a.m.
4DFriday 17th January10:40 a.m.
4K Friday 17th January 11:10 a.m. 

DepartmentContact Number Email 
Primary Office 02 785
Transport02 785
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460
ECAs02 785
Year 4 Rep
Ja Hemakul

Primary Rep
Jayne Harvey
Year Group Leaders
Ms Kerry Meaden-Kendrick

Ms Dominique Chandler

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