Monday 1st June

What is your silver lining? (positive things about staying at home)                        How do you say it in your home language?

Please remember to share your learning with your class and specialist teacher at the end of the day:)

The Cup Game Challenge

Equipment list for today - click to reveal

  • Pencil and paper
  • Colouring pencils or pens
  • Water bottle
  • Mathletics sign in password

Morning Reading

Log in details

For example - Year 4C

Username - Y4 doch (dominique chandler)

Password - Patana19

Please do not forget to share your learning with your teacher or specialist teacher at the END of the day :)

Only create one Google doc per day :)

Lesson 1:  8-8:40am

Literacy Live Learning

Learning Task

  • Join your teacher for today’s live lesson.
  • Go to your Microsoft Teams calendar.
  • Click ‘Join’

Brain breaks are very important. Make sure that you do take these breaks.

They are good for your mind, body and soul.

Choose 2 or 3 of these activities to do during each brain break:

Brain Breaks for Today :)

Here are some of your suggestions:

  • Listen to some calm music
  • Read a book
  • Play a game
  • Run on the spot
  • Do some meditation
  • Do a jigsaw puzzle
  • Doodle

Lesson 2: 9-9:40am

Library Lesson

This is a Book Look lesson

Learning Intention:

Can I enjoy some new books, stories and resources?

Learning Task:

This is a ‘Book Look’ lesson offering several choices to find new books and stories.

If you have any questions about the library session please contact Mr Damon -

Time for you to focus on you! Have a snack and do something that makes you smile.        

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am

Mathematics Learning

Welcome to Big Maths Monday!

LI: Can I identify my maths target?

Starter - Use the cards that you made previously so that you can play the game countdown ⌚. If you don’t have them anymore you can make some new ones.

Follow the instructions, from the video below if you can't remember, and have a great time playing.

Learning Task: Choose the Level that is challenging for you or the same level that you have been working on in Big Maths.

How am I going to share my learning? To show us your skills, take a photo of the Big Maths sheet and upload to the blog.

Instructions: Choose and complete the Big Maths level of your choice and check your answers.

Choose one skill you found challenging (or got the wrong answer for) and practice it by going to the BIg Maths blog, watching the video and completing the examples there.

If you have finished, don't forget to visit Mathletics.

Big Maths Tests

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

BM Answers

Level 3 Answers

Level 4 Answers

Level 5 Answers

Secondary Brain Break Suggestion :)

Lesson 4: 11-11:40am

Music Learning

Welcome to Term 3!

Please go to your google music classroom to see this week’s learning. Make sure you are logged in to google using your Patana account before you enter the classroom.

If you have not yet signed into the google classroom, you should have received an email from your music teacher in your Patana account which invites you to join. Please check your email and follow the link to join the class.

If you have not received the email, or the link does not appear to work please follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Log in using your school email and school password (very important)

  3. Go to Google Classroom

  4. Click on the + ‘Join class’

  5. Enter the code for your class below:

4A uzxk5fu

4C w3up32e

4D vqxgvnp

4H yygve34

4T 7hv7gg2

4K oblvjg2

4B qnqir2f

4L esbpfor

Happy learning :-)

If you are having problems please contact your music teacher.

Ms Rachel -

Mr Charlie -

Ms Narui -

Lesson 5: 13:00-13:40am

Thai Learning for English Speakers

LI: Can I read words?

Learning task: You will practice vocabulary about animals in Thai and you will create a card game!

Resources: video, Quizlet, worksheet

How will I share my learning?

share on your Google Doc or email a photo of your learning.


  1. Watch this video for guidance.

Week 7 1 Jun 20 Thai B.mp4

  1. Play Quizlet to practice animal vocabulary.

  1. Create your card game using this format.

Week 7 Thai TLC Animal card game activity.pdf

You can be more creative by making cards and playing this card game by your own rules!

Please share your learning with your Thai teacher.

Kru Sasi –

Kru Ne’ –

Kru Mou –

Kru Rosie –

Thai Learning for Thai speakers

Please open the link below to find your learning steps.

Kru Gak, Kru Pranee or

Kru Porn

Story Time


We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us in your google docs :)

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