May 10th Monday

Good morning, we hope you had a great weekend and are ready for some great learning this week :) We have missed you all!

How Do Students Use Their Home Learning Code?

From now onwards we will be asking you to share your learning through our Seesaw platform. You will also be able to find the tasks there too

Home learning Codeshave been sent home from the Primary office.

How Do Students Use Their Home Learning Code?

  1. Students go to on a computer in Chrome or Firefox browser. Or install the Seesaw Class App on an iOS and Android device.
  2. Students tap “I’m a Student”.
  3. Students scan their code using Seesaw’s built-in QR code reader or type in their text code to access their Seesaw account.

Equipment list for today - click to reveal

  • Pencil and paper
  • Colouring pencils or pens
  • Water bottle
  • Mathletics sign in password

Morning Reading

Log in details

For example - Year 4D

Username - Y4 doch (dominique chandler)

Password - Patana19

Lesson 1:  8-8:40am     

PSHE Learning

LI: Can I identify what is needed for a good night’s sleep?

Learning Task

Work through the attached materials. There is an optional task and two short tasks to complete before you do your main task: create a poster of Top Ten Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep.

How am I going to share my learning?

No need to share. Stick your poster up at home to help remind you how to get a good night’s sleep. You could share your tips with your friends and teacher during your wellbeing call.


  • Open the Google slides document.

  • Read slides 1-3. There is an optional task on slide 3

  • Click on the link on slide 4 to open the resource pack.

  • Activity 1. Answer questions on paper and check answers on slide 5.

  • Activity 2. Look at the sleep problems in the resource pack. Write solutions on paper and check answers on slide 7

  • Activity 3. Create a poster with the title ‘Top Ten Tips for A Good Night’s Sleep’

  • Display your poster at home.

  • You may share your poster with your teacher and friends during your wellbeing call.

Success Criteria for Poster

Include 10 tips

Clear writing


Pictures to help remember the tips

Brain breaks are very important. Make sure that you do take these breaks.

They are good for your mind, body and soul.

Choose 2 or 3 of these activities to do during each brain break:

Brain Breaks for Today :)

Here are some of your suggestions:

  • Listen to some calm music
  • Read a book
  • Play a game
  • Run on the spot
  • Do some meditation
  • Do a jigsaw puzzle
  • Doodle

Remind yourself of the expectations before joining the live lesson

Lesson 2: 9-9:40am    LIVE LESSON

Literacy Live Lesson

Learning Task: Join your teacher for today’s Live Lesson.


  • Listen to the input during the Live Lesson.

  • Get ready to answer questions and respond to questions using the chat function.

  • Complete the activity set on Google Slides when directed by your teacher.

How am I going to share my learning?

Complete the task assigned ON SLIDES.

Time for you to focus on you! Have a snack and do something that makes you smile.        

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am   LIVE LESSON

Mathematics Live Learning

Learning Task: Join your teacher for today’s Live Lesson.


  • Listen to the input during the Live Lesson.

  • Get ready to answer questions and respond to questions using the chat function.

  • Complete the activity set on Seesaw when directed by your teacher.

How am I going to share my learning?

Complete the Seesaw task assigned.

Brain Break - The 5 minute workout with Joe Wicks - Who can do them all?

Music Learning

LI: Can I be a better musician?

Today you will use the choice board again. There are lots of new activities this week

1. First, click on the link and watch the instruction video to find out more.

2. Next, choose your activity.

3. Finally share your learning with a video or voice recording, picture or comment

Lesson 5: 13:00-13:40am

Thai Learning for English Speakers

LI: Can I answer “a-rai” questions?

-Watch the instructions video.

-Listen to questions in Thai.

-Record your voice to ask and answer questions.

Go to seesaw.

How will I share my learning? Upload it on Seesaw of your Thai class.

Please share your learning with your Thai teacher.

Kru Sasi –

Kru Ne’ –

Kru Mou –

Kru Rosie –

Thai Learning for Thai speakers

LI: Can I read a story?

Please open the link below you will see Learning Intention, Learning steps, Success criteria and your assignment.

Please share your learning with a video or voice recording, via Seesaw.

Please share your learning with Kru Gak, Kru Pranee or

Kru Porn

Please do not forget to share your learning with your teacher or specialist teacher at the END of the day :)

All the learning with your class teacher should be shared on Seesaw.

Story Time


We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us in your google docs :)

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