Friday 29th May

Today, Friday May 29th, there will not be a live lesson or any well-being chats as all staff will be in school, preparing for a hopeful return to school on June 1st.

Morning Reading

Morning Reading Login Details

For example - Year 4C

Username - Y4 doch (dominique chandler)

Password - Patana19

Yesterday's Brain Teaser Answer

Today's Brain Teaser

How many questions can you ask about this picture? Look closely ;)

List of equipment

  • Paper, pencil, eraser, ruler and colouring pencils or felt tips
  • Science - 

-Same resources as today (wand, washing up liquid, cup)

-Glycerin- available at pharmacies or baking section of Supermarkets or

-Bicarbonate of soda

- timer (could be on an ipad or mobile phone)

*If you can’t find either of these don’t worry! You can just use washing up liquid.*

Lesson 1: 8-8:40am

Maths -Can I recall key facts?

LI: Can I recall key facts?

Learning Task:

Watch the video for today’s learning:

If you can't hear the youtube videos or see them clearly use the links below:

Mr Bart  6 in 10 seconds

Mr Dallas  24 in 30 seconds

Mr Alex  16 in 15 seconds


Create your own 15-minute workout. Think about the duration (length) of each exercise and make sure you include water breaks.

How am I going to share my learning?

Share your learning via google drive or google classroom with your class teacher and specialist teachers.

Videos can be shared with your class teacher and PE teacher.


Example Planning Template

We have a Friday treat for your break time!

We have a Friday treat for your break time!

If you were disappointed at not being able to borrow a David Walliams book, from the library last week, then you are in for a real treat!.

David Walliams is sharing a free story every day for 30 days.

Every day at 6pm, you can listen to one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun!

Lesson 2: MFL 9-9:40am

Please remember - if you also go to EAL classes with Miss Ayla, you need to visit the EAL blog too!

French Learning



If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

German Learning

Go to Google Classroom and follow the instruction

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

Spanish Learning


LI: Can I say and write words?

For all Y4 SET A / SET B

1- Watch this video here (if you haven’t done it yet)

2- Go to Google Classroom and find the assignment for today.

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

Mandarin Learning

Go to Google Classroom to see tasks and follow instructions

If you have any questions about this learning please contact your MFL teacher.

Thai Learning

Please open the link below to find your learning steps.

EAL Learning

Click on the picture below to explore today’s EAL learning!

Have a Brain Break

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am

Science Learning - Can I observe and record?

Mystery Doug -

LI: Can I observe and record?

Learning Task:


Use your plan from last week. You may have designed your own differently!

Make sure you have all the equipment you need before you start.

How am I going to share my learning?

Share your findings on the flipgrid:



-Same resources as today (wand, washing up liquid, cup)

You best bubble solution- water and washing up liquid

this might use Glycerin or Bicarbonate of soda or you may have found a better one!

You can just use washing up liquid if you have no other ingredients.*

Lesson 4: 11-11:40am

Connected Learning- Can I evaluate my design/product in order to improve it?

LI: Can I evaluate (reflect on) my design/product in order to improve it?

Learning Task: This week you are going to think/reflect on how effective your product is.

How am I going to share my learning?

Google docs, google slides, pictures/photos or videos


  1. Create a survey - This means to create some questions to ask your customers (family members or friends) to evaluate (reflect how successful it is) your product.

For example - Do they feel that it does the job that it is meant to do? What changes – if any – do you need to make, in order to arrive at your final design?

  1. Testing and observing - Getting real people (actual ‘users’) to test a solution/product is a great way to get real feedback that can help you assess and improve your ideas. Verbal feedback from people as they use your prototype is great, you should also be closely observing the behaviour of the user. What can you tell from the way they used your product? Did they use it as expected, or did they do things that surprised you, as the designer?

  1. Reflecting - Many of you will get to the end of making your product/ solution and be ready to move onto the next thing. One of the MOST important things about Design Thinking is to learn from the process of prototyping and testing, and to work at improving your idea.

To help you with this, create a grid like the one below and complete it to reflect on the results/feedback from the testing

4.Improving - Make the changes to improve your product and add this to your design sheet :)

Active May Challenge

Keep in touch with what is happening around the world:

Lesson 5: 13-13 :40  Want to be creative?

Need a break? Want to be creative?

Who doesn’t love den or fort building?

Even grownups would be fibbing if they said they wouldn’t enjoy getting creative and building cosy, little hideouts to play in – it’s just far too much fun. With this in mind, here is a little guide to indoor and outdoor den building ideas for the whole family to enjoy, complete with suggested materials and building tips for creating the best indoor and outdoor dens you’ve ever seen. We also have included our new IKEA link where they provide a diagram and a list of materials that you will need :) Ready? Set … Build!

Click on the photos below for more ideas ;)

Or even better, choose one of the activities below that doesn't require a screen ;)

Story Time - Varjak Paw Chapter 23 Part 2


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