April 27th Tuesday

Good morning, we hope you had a great learning day yesterday.


Equipment list for today - click to reveal

  • PE kit (or similar) and dice
  • Pencil and paper
  • A plastic bottle, stick and the plastic you have been collecting. 

Lesson 1: 8:00-8:40 a.m.

PE Learning

LI: Can I describe how my body feels after exercise?

Learning Task:

  1. Follow along to to the Among us warm up

  2. Complete any form of Physical activity for 20 mins (run, swim, bike, game or find your own mini workout to follow)

Instructions: While you are completing todays learning I want you to think about how exercise is affecting your body during and immediately after? What can you feel happening in your body? How does it make you feel?

Please share your thoughts/ answers on the seesaw PE page along with a small video, picture or feedback note.

If you’re looking for an alternative activity try going to the Primary PE Blog and have a look at the Virtual Home Learning section where you’ll find lots of different activities which will keep you active (Joe Wicks is always a good option). Alternatively why not take advantage of any outside space to enjoy some outdoor activity such as riding your bike, swimming or playing some outdoor games (don't forget to check the air quality first). It’s fun to play!

Have a drink!  Take a breather.  :)

Lesson 2: 9:00-9:40 a.m.

Guided Reading Learning

Choose from one of the options below:

  • You can select a book from Bug Club activelearn, from the books that I have assigned you.
  • Look at the image below and use your prediction and inference skills to answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Lesson 3: 10:00-10:40 a.m.    LIVE LESSON

Maths Live Lesson

Learning Task: Join your teacher for today’s Live Lesson.


  • Listen to the input during the Live Lesson.

  • Get ready to answer questions and respond to questions using the chat function.

  • Complete the activity set on Seesaw when directed by your teacher.

How am I going to share my learning?


Break time!

Helping at home- start making an ecobrick!

Prepare yourself for some 'eco-bricking'.

Watch this short video to help you.

Video here

You may need time to find the right sort of stick that will help you push your plastic down firmly. This project can run now for until we return to school (and hopefully you will always do it!) so don't feel you have to rush to get it started today. Having the right equipment is important.

Ideas for sticks:

  • a long-handles wooden spoon
  • a drum stick

Our drop-off site is in Year 4 when we return. :)

Time for you to focus on you! Have a snack and do something that makes you smile.  

Remind yourself of the expectations before joining the live lesson

Lesson 4: 11:00-11:40 a.m.       LIVE LESSON

Literacy Live lesson

Learning Task: Join your teacher for today’s Live Lesson.


  • Listen to the input during the Live Lesson.

  • Get ready to answer questions and respond to questions using the chat function.

  • Complete the activity set on a piece of paper or on book creator when directed by your teacher.

How am I going to share my learning?

Upload photo to chat for student feedback

Book creator log in code

Lesson 5: 1:00-1:40 p.m.


LI: Can I plan for research?

Learning Task: Complete the research planning document shared on the library CSL blog https://patana.fireflycloud.asia/our-libraries/primary-library-1/continued-student-learning/year-4-library-csl-blog

How am I going to share my learning? Share your research planning document on Seesaw.

Instructions. For full instructions see the library CSL blog https://patana.fireflycloud.asia/our-libraries/primary-library-1/continued-student-learning/year-4-library-csl-blog

Brain Break - The 5 minute workout with Joe Wicks - Who can do them all?

Story Time

Please do not forget to share your learning with your teacher or specialist teacher at the END of the day :)

All the learning with your class teacher should be shared on Seesaw.


We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us :)

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  1. I LOVE READING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by Eliza Meadows, 27/04/2021 at 14:57