January 28th - Thursday   

Happy Birthday. Charoen  4T.

Good morning

Don't forget to register with your class teacher at 7:40 !

Equipment list for today

  • PE kit
  • Pencil and paper
  • Colours for Art
  • Laptop for Live Lessons
  • Art materials for the Connected Learning Project

Live Registration - 07:40 - 08:00 - Join the call with your class teacher and say "Good Morning!"

Much like the body, the mind needs exercise from time to time. So, why not enjoy a puzzle or a problem-solving game?

Morning warm up - Can you spot the 10 differences?

Lesson 1: 8-8:40am

PE - Can I challenge myself?

LI: Can I challenge myself?

Learning Task: 

1. Take a look at the 5 challenges below. 

2.Choose at least 3 of these to perform. 

3. Even better if you can try all 5!

4. The 5 physical challenges are below

  1. Towel Flip Challenge
  2. Shoe Balance Challenge
  3. Toilet paper Challenge
  4. Water Bottle Trap
  5. Bowl Ball

How am I going to share my learning? 

Share any videos,photos or comments on your PE Seesaw page.

If today’s activity does not work for you why not take advantage of any outside space and the cooler weather to enjoy some outdoor activity such as riding your bike, swimming or playing some outdoor games. It’s fun to play! If you are heading outdoors to exercise please do check the AQI in your area and follow health guidelines Alternatively, check out our "Virtual Home Learning" tab on the PE blog for a whole range of videos, activities and challenges that you could try.

Please review the expectations before joining the live lesson

Go to Y4 Team (Grad 30) on MS Teams.

Enter calendar.

Join the lesson at 9:00am.

Can I learn collaboratively?

Resources: laptop, MS Teams, headphones, Google Drive open and links to the resources (your teacher will share these with you during the live session)

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Lesson 2: 9-9:40am    LIVE LESSON

Literacy Live Learning at 9:00 am

LI: Can I ask relevant questions?

Learning Task: Collaboratively create a see, think, wonder wall on google slides.

How am I going to share my learning? 

With a learning partner on Google slides

Instructions: Wait for your teacher to start the call.

Take a break! 

Lesson 3: 10-10:40am

Art with Mr Dallas-

L.I: Can I colour graffiti and characters?

Name in Graffiti style

Learning Task: 

You are going to colour your graffiti and characters. 

Click the link to the art blog, watch the introduction video and follow the instructions on the Google slide.


Resources: A4/3 paper, pencil, eraser & colours.

How am I going to share my learning? 

Share your finished art work with Mr Dallas - jadl@patana.ac.th and on your Seesaw journal.

Lesson 4: 11-11:40am      LIVE LESSON

Maths LIVE Lesson

LI: Can I find non-unit fractions of amounts?

Learning Task: Wait for your Teacher to start the live call.

How am I going to share my learning? Complete the challenges seesaw.

Lesson 5: 13-13:40am

Connected Learning - Can I present my learning in a variety of ways?

LI: Can I present my learning in a variety of ways?

Learning Task: 

To use a variety of art materials to recreate a chosen Wonder of the World.

How am I going to share my learning? 

Take a photograph and share this during registration or in a well being call.


1. Choose a Wonder of the World.

2. Decide how you would like to recreate it. 

Example: I am going to choose the Terracotta Warriors and decide to make them out of clay or plasticine. (Try to use resources you already have)

Other Ideas: A painting, Scratch Art, Collage, Lego Model, Junk Model, Chalk drawing outside, Natural sculpture from recycled garden waste.

3. Spend Thursday and Fridays Connected Learning lessons creating your Wonder of the World.

4. When you have completed your learning take a picture. Your teacher will ask you to share these in registration or in your well-being calls next week.

Get some inspiration from this presentation

Active January Challenge

Story time 


We hope you have had an amazing day of learning and can't wait for you to share it with us :)

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