Welcome back!
We hope you all had a wonderful break and we wish you all a Happy New Year!
We are excited for a new term of learning and play ahead.
Updating Medical Information
Please can you check the medical records for your child on the Firefly system.
You can update medical records here: Student Medical Information
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your class teacher.
A Note from the Principal
10 January 2025
Welcome back to a new term at Bangkok Patana Primary! It has been wonderful to see the students return with such enthusiasm for their learning, and we are especially delighted to welcome our new families to the community. A highlight of the week was Monday’s New Student Induction, where we had the chance to connect with our newest community members.
Yesterday, we held our lockdown drill, an important part of ensuring our school remains a safe place for all. These drills are a key aspect of our safety procedures and help us to prepare for emergencies in a calm and practical way.
We are looking forward to an inspiring term of learning, growth, and collaboration. As always, thank you for your continued support
Sarah McCormack
CAT blog
Please check out the Community Action Blog
Year 1 CAT - Bangkok Patana School
To find out about the Year 1 curriculum, please visit our Curriculum page:
Class Blogs
Please check your class blog every Friday for updates on learning for each of the classes. Click the picture to go to the blogs!
Upcoming events
13-20 January | Primary School Photos | |
14 January | Primary Parents Workshop - Primary Sport Information | 8am - SPH 201 |
20 January | ECA Block C Phase 1 Sign-up CLOSES | |
21 January | Primary Parents Workshop - Libraries | 8am - Primary Hall |
22 January | Primary Parent Workshop: Safeguarding Training for Parent Volunteers | 8am - CON420 |
24 January | Y1 - 6 TigerSharks ASA Primary Meet 2 | |
27 January | Primary Science Week | Primary School |
28 January | Primary Parents Workshop - tbc | 8am - Primary Hall |
31 January | Primary Lunar New Year Assembly | |
3-7 February | Waste Less Week #WLW10 | Whole School |
4 February | Primary Parents Workshop - tbc | 8am - Primary Hall |
5 February | School Photos Catch-Up Day | |
8 March | FUN DAY 2025 | |
9 February | Term 2: Half-term break |
FUN DAY 2025
Volunteers Needed!
Primary Dance Class
Playground use - before and after school
Students are not permitted to use any of the climbing or play equipment before 7:30 a.m.
There is no staff supervision in any play area after 2:30.
The accompanying adult is therefore responsible for the safe supervision of the child.
We encourage parents and family employees to take children straight home at the end of the school day.
Preventing the spread of colds and flu
Please help us to prevent outbreaks of cold or flu as we head into the rainy season.
Children with cold or flu (influenza) symptoms should be kept at home until they are completely recovered. Even when the main symptoms have gone, your child may still need time to return to full strength.
Please do not send your child back to school too soon, even if they are no longer in the contagious phase. If your child is still coughing or sneezing, please keep them at home and limit their contact with other children.
A child who has a fever should be kept at home until ‘fever free’ for a minimum of 24 hours.
Influenza is a serious and contagious infection that affects the nose, throat, and respiratory system. The virus is commonly spread through droplets in the air, allowing infection to spread quickly.
When unsure, always seek medical advice, especially if a child has a chronic condition e.g., asthma. If Influenza is confirmed, please send a copy of the medical certificate to Nurse@patana.ac.th
Allergies and Dietry Requirements
Please ensure your child/ren's medical information is fully up to date on our systems.
Should your child suffer from critical conditions related to their diet they are no longer able to eat any birthday treats brought into school from outside.
We encourage parents now to provide a small box of dry snacks/treats that their child can eat, which the class teacher can keep, and use during any celebrations in class.
Please remember we are a nut-free Primary School and also check with the class teacher for any other dietary requirements of the class.
Taking photos on campus
Taking photos and videos of students on Campus
At Bangkok Patana School we welcome parents on to our campus.
As part of this agreement, all parents must agree to our Parents’ Safeguarding Code of Conduct.
This includes:
- Never taking images in toilets, changing rooms or areas where privacy is expected.
- Using judgement before taking and before sharing images of students.
During a regular school day, parents may only take images of their own child – unless they have sought and received permission from another family to include their child in a group photo.
Family employees with access to the campus must also abide by this rule.
Important Contacts
Department | Contact Number | Email |
Primary Office | 02 785 2258 | primary@patana.ac.th |
Transport | 02 785 2470 | transport@patana.ac.th |
Primary Nurse | 02 785 2478 02 785 5460 | nurse@patana.ac.th |
ECAs | 02 785 2231 | eca@patana.ac.th |
PTG | Year 1 Rep: ptgy1@patana.ac.th | |
Year Group Leaders | Curriculum - Meagan Wilson - mewi@patana.ac.th Pastoral - Michael Dolan - mido@patana.ac.th Assistant Leader - Vicky Paxman - vipx@patana.ac.th |
Year 1 birthdays
Happy birthday to Zoe in 1M who celebrated her birthday this week.
Birthday Treats
Children may bring in a special treat to share with the class.
Please contact the class teacher to arrange a suitable time.
· Brownies, cupcakes, small donuts, and cake slices are easier for your child to give out
· We do not give out drinks (e.g., bubble tea, sodas)
· Please reduce plastic packaging.
· We do not allow party bags or other gifts to be given out at school, either for birthdays, or other celebrations.