MakeCode 1.3 - Navigating the Course

Set Sprite movement controlsYes / Not Yet
Set Barriers around the edgeYes / Not Yet
Set Rocks If overlap .... Then ...  - Back to the beginning rule Yes / Not Yet
Set Beach - If Overlap ... Then .... - Game win ruleYes / Not Yet

-Sprite behavior - Setting  movement controls

- Testing - 

Can you control your Sprite?  

Does it move at the right speed?

What happens when you reach the walls?

Setting Walls as a boundary

You will need to edit your Tilemap and highlight he outer edge

Setting Walls and game rules with conditionals

When we hit a rock

Beach - WINNER 

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Microsoft MakeCode Arcade

Learning Intention

Can I create a playable game?

Success Criteria

I can sequence commands in order

I can build scripts with purpose

I can explain what my code does

I can test and debug my game