MakeCode 1.4 - Levelling up

Once we complete a level we can set the Tilemap to Level 2.

Created a level 2 TilemapYes / Not Yet
Set Barriers around the edgeYes / Not Yet
Set Treasure - If Overlap ... Then .... - Game win ruleYes / Not Yet
Set If overlap .... Then ... - Back to the beginning rule
Yes / Not Yet

Step 1 -  Create a second TileMap with a treasure chest as the target.

Step 2 - Duplicate the game code and change as needed.

If the player reaches the beach...
, Change the Map, Change the Sprite and Set the start position, 

Finally, If the player reaches the chest then Win!

Step 3 - Set the Challenges in the game.

In my level the player must not touch the poisonous plants!

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Microsoft MakeCode Arcade

Learning Intention

Can I create a playable game?

Success Criteria

I can sequence commands in order

I can build and innovate scripts with purpose

I can explain what my code does

I can test and debug my game