Y1 - Toontastic 3D - Drawing Characters and Scenes

Available for free on Android  and Apple

An Example - 3 Part Story

Step 1 - Can I draw a scene for my story?

When picking a scene, Tap DRAW YOUR OWN, then use the simple art tools to draw a setting for your story.

Save you drawing and then proceed to Characters.

Step 2 - Creating your own Characters


You can choose to DRAW YOUR OWN character too or edit existing Characters.  you can even add a photo of your face.  

Remember always ask before taking someones photo!

Step 3 - Two Characters solving a problem

Use your new Characters to tell a simple three-part story

Practice -Pretend your making a cartoon for TV, you will need to ...

Example - 

Scene 1 - In the Spooky Forest - (Orange Man, Mr Max and a Strawberry)

"we found it - The Super Strawberry!  But, oh no!  We only have one Strawberry and a Pick Axe and we have to save the world from Corona Virus.  What will we do?"

Scene 2 - Fruit Ninja hide out! - (Orange Man, Mr Max and a Strawberry)

No Problem I have an idea!   We can make a medicinal fruit salad.  Let's visit the Fruit Ninjas, they can help us!

Scene 3 - Town  - (Fruit ninja Red, Mr Max and many Strawberries)

Hooray - Everyone has had the Anti-viral Strawberry medicine and now we will all be happy and healthy - Phew, that was a close call!

Speak clearly

Describe the place

Speak with two different voices

Tell the audience what is happening

Explain the characters thinking


Finally - Please share your creations in Seesaw.

You'll find the Activity in your Technology Class.

Extension - Props

A prop, formally known as (theatrical) property, is an object used on stage or screen by actors during a performance or screen production.

Go back to the characters pages and draw a simple tool to use in your story. It could be an item of food, a key, a pick axe or a banana! It is up to you...

Learning Intention

Can I create a simple film?

Success Criteria

I can create characters/scenes

I can insert and animate characters

I can record my voice (descriptions/ narrations)

I can choose fitting background music

I can share my creations