Y2 - We can stand up to Cyber Bullying

 What do we know?

It's OK to say I don't know!


This can also happen in the playground and online.


What is the same and what is different?

In the video, you saw someone getting upset when someone ruined their game. But, what would you do if this kept happening?

Think carefully before you post anything, and always tell an adult if something makes you feel unhappy or worried.

How does it feel?   The cause and its effect...

We are going to build some storyboards to think about the results of Cyberbullying.

Your task is to put the pictures in order and write think up some sentences to describe how the people feel and what you think they should do.

Discuss these three questions

What do you think is happening?

How does that make them feel?

What should they do about it?

Storyboard 1

Storyboard 2

Storyboard 3

What is the key message from today's lesson?

Task - Continue your booklet - Drive link

Students will have the rest of the lesson to complete their Slides and then must Submit at the end of the lesson.


Learning Intentions

Can I share good advice?

Success Criteria

I can understand the term Cyberbullying.

I can think about the effects of bullying.

I know how to Stand Up To Bullies.


  1. Lulu 2C - if you are being bullied don’t keep it a secret.

    Posted by DB:iSAMSpeople:60040, 31/01/2019 at 08:17