4.2 Element Scavenger Hunt

Atoms join together to make molecules: for example, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine to make a water molecule.

 Atoms in molecules are joined by strong chemical bonds.

In Minecraft, like in a science laboratory, we can reduce molecules and compounds down into the constituent elemental atoms.

Your task - Part 1

Collect as many different materials (blocks) as you can and then place them in the Material Reducer. Most natural blocks will reduce to their individual elements.  See if you can find out what elements make up the world around us!

How many different elements can you find?

Can you find a common element in all material?

Which elements appear most often?

Can you find any rare elements?

Part 2

Once you have explored a little, choose a single element (e.g. Silicon) and find as many materials that you can which have that material in them.

Part 3

Your final task is to make a chart for each sample using the data you get from the Material Reducer.

Choose a block and then plot the numbers of each element like this.

Charcoal contains...

  1. Oak planks contain...

  2. a lot.


Did you all find the same results?

What surprised you?

What elements are most abundant?

What elements are the rarest?  Do you think this affects value?

How does this knowledge help scientists?

Beware some Minecraft Blocks are still unknown to human science!

Learning Intentions

Can I investigate?

Can I record observations?

Success Criteria

I can control my avatar (Steve)

I can collect materials

I can investigate the elements in the world

I can group materials according to common elements

I can record and discuss my findings

Y2.3 Material Reduction World - File
Lesson Pan - Doc
Student Findings - Doc
Abundance Charts of elements on Earth