BPS Technology Blog

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Tech Youth Panel Launched

The Digital Youth Council is being led by Sir Richard Branson who said it was "critical" that children had a voice on how technology is used in education


4:16PM BST 04 Jun 2014

Early Years Literacy Apps

The iTunes app store is teeming with all kinds of different apps to use with your students but when it comes to sifting the bad from the good the task gets a little bit tricker. It becomes a time-consuming chore that most teachers would shun away from. Hence the importance of having a handy list of trusted educational app resources to check for new updates and releases.

I have spent most of the day today working on this list of iPad apps for early literacy learners. I have carefully curated this list to include the best iPad apps that can help you give your kids a head start in literacy learning. These apps cover different literacy skills including phonics, oral language, and early spelling and reading. This chart is also available for download from this link.

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