Podcasts - Listen to them, make your own!

Podcasts are like short radio shows which you can listen to on demand. Most devices have a podcast App and you can subscribe to many for free. 

I like to listen to podcasts before I fall asleep...

Here are my top 5 recommendations for some great Podcasts you might enjoy.

If you like you could try your hand at making your own podcast, using the Voice Memos App on your device or by downloading the free Podcasting App called Anchor.

Always check with your parent or another responsible adult before downloading an App, even if it's free.

Here are some steps to think about when making a podcast of your own.

  1. Decide on a topic you are really passionate about and can talk about either alone or with a family member for 5 - 15mins.
  2. Do some research and make a rough plan of the topics you want to delve into in your podcast.
  3. Record your podcast.
  4. You may then want to use the App of your choice to edit and add extra sounds, background music, etc

We are living through a huge event in history... maybe you can interview a family member about their thoughts and feelings during this time.

We'd love to hear your podcasts! Share via email to eca@patana.ac.th 

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