Monday 8th June

Morning Register (7:40-8am)

Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthdays   this week. Have a wonderful day!

Tim (6H)                10th June

Jasmine M (6C)     12th June

Teerin (6F)             12th June

Miyu (6C)               13th June

Stop! Get yourself ready for today.

  • Check your email - do you have any feedback?
  • Headphones
  • Laptop
  • MS Teams open and logged in
  • Your class's Google Drive
  • Your sketchbook (or plain paper)
  • Pencil

Lesson 1: Transition Live Lesson with Secondary  (8-8:40am)

Go to Y6 Team (Grad 27) on MS Teams at 7:55am

Wait for your teacher to start the lesson. 

Your teacher will share the instructions and a link with you.

Leave the lesson. 

Click on the link straight away.

Resources: Laptop, MS Teams, headphones

Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

Remind yourself of the expectations before joining the live lesson

Brain Break

Lesson 2: Thai Culture (9-9:40am)

Thai for non-Thai speakers:

Thai visual instructions

Thai written instructions

Can I answer questions?

Step 1: Watch the video clip.

Step 2: Click on the link here to access your learning.

Step 3: From the document, review words you’ve learned and then answer the questions related to the video clip.

Step 4: Save your work and share it with your Thai teacher.

Thai for Thai speakers:

Your Thai learning

Kru Ne’s & Kru Rosie's groups:

  • Go to Firefly
  • Check your tasks and follow the instructions

Kru Sasi's group:

Go to your Google Classroom group:

6P, 6H, 6J, 6E

6G, 6F, 6D, 6C

Brain Break

Lesson 3: Art (10-10:40am)

Please visit Mr Dallas' page below for instructions of your Art learning this morning. Right click on the link to open this in a new tab.

Written instructions

Can I research & develop ideas to create a poster?

Learning Task: You are going to research and develop ideas from images found on Google images to create a first draft of a poster titled ‘Diverse & Inclusive’.


  • Follow this link to the Art blog
  • Watch the introduction video
  • Follow the instructions on the Google slide.

Resources: A4/3 Paper (or your sketchbook), pencil, ruler and eraser.

How will I share my learning? As you are researching and developing ideas towards a first draft, you do not need to share the learning this week.

    Brain Break

    Lesson 4: PE (11-11:40am)

    Your PE learning

    Can I describe how my body changes when I exercise?

    Time frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

    Resources: Laptop, timer

    Warm-Up: This short workout will certainly help with your breathing and focus (Breathe Easy). Take your time with this and focus on every breath.

    Learning Task: 

    This week we’re going to return to an old learning intention. Focus on your body during today's workout and think hard about the effects it is having on you. Here are 2 more workouts for you to follow. Have a go at each of them and see which level you can get to:

    Workout 1 - Upper Body 

    Workout 2 - Solid Core

    You’ll need a timer for these and remember quality is better than quantity, slow down your movements. As you exercise, think about the effects it is having on your body, for example what happens to your heart rate, your breathing, how do your muscles feel? 

    Extension: Look at some of the Padlet videos people have posted. If you have any thoughts or advice why not add a comment at the bottom.

    How will I share my learning? Upload a video of yourself performing the challenge follow this link to Padlet

    Remember to look back at your video for your feedback.

    Additional Activities:


    Lesson 5: Maths (1-1:40pm)

    Please log on to Mathletics for your Maths lesson today.

    Have a look at our Padlet to see some amazing learning you have produced! You can leave some positive feedback too.

    Made with Padlet


    Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.

    Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.