Monday 17th May

Morning Register (7:50-8am)

Register with your teacher on MS Teams.

Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthdays  this week.  We hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday 17th May - Lila 6J

Tuesday 18th May - Gyubeen 6C

Wednesday 19th May - Nehir 6E

Friday 21st May - Zachary 6P

Saturday 22nd May - Martha 6D

Stop! Get yourself ready for today.

  • Headphones
  • Laptop
  • MS Teams open 
  • Google Classroom open 
  • Plain paper or something to write on
  • Pencil

Lesson 1: Literacy Live lesson (8-8:40am)

Go to Y6 Team (Grad 28) on MS Teams.

Enter your class's section.

Be in your class's section by 7:55am.

Wait for your teacher to start the lesson. Please DO NOT start this yourself.

Join the lesson at 8:00am.

Resources: Google Classroom, MS Teams, headphones

Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

Lesson expectations

Brain Break

Remember to take a break away from the screen.

Lesson 2: Thai Culture (9-9:40am)

Swatdee ka Year 6! For Thai today please visit the Thai Google Classroom and follow instructions from there. Your Thai teachers have invited you to join your class.

Thai for non-Thai speakers:

Can I tell how rice became the centre of Thai culture and Thai life?

Please Download PowerPoint file from your Google Classroom to see the instructions and task.

Google Classroom codes

TeacherClassCodeTeacher Email
Kroo Gai6Jbtsvtar
Kroo Rosie6Fc7uwnim
Kroo Rosie6C & 6Pkocgk3b
Kroo Gak6T66szgmb
Kroo Pranee6Ez4zeitw
Kroo Pranee6S & 6Pdlzugnr
Kroo Porn6Drfnqovv

Thai for Thai speakers:

Google Classroom codes

TeacherClassCodeTeacher email
Kroo Sasi6D, 6E & 6Tladtgdu
Kroo Sasi
6C, 6J, 6P & 6Sacezxbh
Kroo Mou6D, 6E, 6F, 6T
Kroo Mou6C, 6J, 6P, 6S

Brain Break

Lesson 3: Art (10-10:40am)

Please click on the link below to access today's Art learning.

    Written instructions

    Can I colour an abstract heart?

    Learning Task: You are going to colour an abstract heart. Click the link above to visit the Art blog.

    Watch the introduction video and access the Slide to follow the step-by-step instructions and open YouTube links on the learning ladder.

    Resources: A4/3 Paper, pencil, eraser and colours

    How am I going to share my learning?

    When you have finished your learning, you can share it with your class teacher and Mr Dallas ( via email or through your Google Slide.

    Brain Break

    Lesson 4: PE (11-11:40am)

    Good Morning Year 6!

    For PE today please visit the PE Google Classroom and follow the instructions from there.

    • Log into Google Classroom with your school email
    • Click ‘Join Class
    • Enter the Class Code: xchdgv7

    If you’re having problems logging in please email Mr Chris ( and he will help. 


    Lesson 5: Maths  Live lesson (1-1:40pm)

    Go to Y6 Team 20-21 (Grad 28) on MS Teams.

    Enter your Maths class's section.

    Be in your Maths class's section by 12:55pm.

    Wait for your teacher to start the lesson. Please DO NOT start this yourself.

    Join the lesson at 1:00pm.

    Resources: MS Teams, headphones

    Time Frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

    Lesson expectations


    Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.

    Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.

    Want to listen to a story?

    If you would like to end your day with a story, sit back and enjoy listening to Miss Nicola reading the story, Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, below.