Monday 15th June 

Welcome back to school

We are really looking forward to seeing you back at school this week. Read the notice below to get yourself prepared.

Year 6 students will revert back to their class's timetables


Get your temperature checked before you come to school.

If you feel sick, stay at home.

School bags

Leave all belongings at home apart from your water bottle, wet wipes, spare mask, snack and your laptop.


Bring a nut free snack with you as the snack bar is closed.


Wear your PE kit to school on days that you have a PE lesson.

End of Day

  • Y6 will be dismissed at 2:30pm
  • Bus Children wait in class until 2:30pm then are taken to the bus monitor
  • If your parent is going to be late, wait in the classroom with your teacher.

Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthdays   this week. Have a wonderful day!

Matti 6F         16th June

Rin 6P            20th June

Stop! Get yourself ready for today.

  • Headphones
  • Laptop
  • Your class's Google Drive
  • Your sketchbook (or plain paper)
  • Pencil

Task 1: Literacy 

Click on the link below to access your Literacy learning this morning.

Brain Break

Task  2: Reading

Your Reading activity this morning is Bug Club. Click on the link below to access it:

If you have forgotten your login details, please use this time to find a quiet space to read your own book independently.

Brain Break

Task 3: Art 

Written instructions

Can I design & draw a poster?

Learning Task: You are going to develop ideas from last week to design and draw a final draft of a poster titled ‘Diversity & Inclusion’. Click the link to the Art blog, watch the introduction video and click the link to follow the instructions on the Google slide.

Resources: A4/3 Paper, pencil, ruler and eraser.

How will I share my learning? When you have finished your drawing, place it in your ‘Connected Learning Slides. You can share it with Mr Dallas by following this link and placing it in your art class folder.

Please visit Mr Dallas' page below for instructions to carry on your 'Diverse and Inclusive' poster' in Art  this morning. Right click on the link to open this in a new tab.

Brain Break

Task 4: PE 

Your PE learning

Can I perform fitness tests and record data?

Time frame: 1 lesson (40 minutes)

Resources: Laptop, timer


For our warm-up today we’re going to repeat last week's Inner Strength activity. Remember to hold each pose for 30 seconds.

Learning Task: The Living Room Cup Challenge 

In this activity you’ll get to challenge a professional athlete to see how many repetitions you can do in 45 seconds.

Here are some more alternative activities for you to try, don't forget to post your best videos on Padlet;

Extension: We should get lots of great videos on Padlet this week so have a look and let us know what you think. Alternatively choose a different skill (eg. star jumps, burpees etc.), do as many as you can in 45 seconds and add your personal best to Padlet for other people to try.

How will I share my learning? Upload a video of yourself performing the challenge follow this link to Padlet

Remember to look back at your video for your feedback.

Additional Activities:


Task 5: Maths 

Please log on to Mathletics for your Maths activity today.

Brain Break

Have a look at our Padlet to see some amazing learning you have produced! You can leave some positive feedback too.

Made with Padlet


Please click here to complete the Exit Ticket to let us know how you got on today.

Read the questions carefully and answer all of them.