Carry on measuring....

In Maths, this week we have continued with our theme of measuring by thinking about the weight/mass of different objects and comparing them to find the lightest and the heaviest.

In Connected Learning, we tried taking on the role of a Fairy Tale character and thought about what they might say or do. Can you guess who we are?

"I will have so much fun at Grannies house."

"I hope I don't get eaten by a wolf."

"I didn't mean to break the chair."

"I wonder if my kiss will wake her up."

"Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me......"

"Oink, oink."

"Jump onto my tail."

We have enjoyed sharing different versions of Fairy Tales in guided reading sessions and at story time:

Red Nose Day

Who are these crazy characters?

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  1. Aki had great fun at the Red nose day today! I was inspired by your story/photos of how Mr. Patrick and Mr. Ross played out the game of helping hands. So, I offered Aki to do the same at home. He, without any hesitation, volunteered to be the person behind saying he doesn't want to get dirty :) I personally liked the photo of your face covered cream Ms. Tracey!!

    Posted by Maya Hino, 13/03/2021 at 00:10

    1. Hope you both had fun, would love to see a photo of that.

      Posted by Tracey Williams, 14/03/2021 at 14:22