Logic gates are the foundation blocks of modern computing. The term 'logic gate' just refers to an object that you put one or more inputs into and get one or more outputs from. That's it.
In the Minecraft simulations below the gate is a coloured block of wool.
These gates are all about input and output, and in Minecraft, as well as in digital logic, there are only two possible types of inputs and outputs.
ON and OFF. Either your Redstone is powered, or it isn't.
Imagine the coloured block is a gate - What goes through the gate?
Today we will build four different types of Logic Gates and see what each one can do.
As a class look at these four gates and describe what you see together.
Using One input
1) - Build a straight through gate
Input = Output Gate
2) - Build a NOT Gate
Input ≠ Output (Opposite)
This gate uses a Redstone torch to reverse the output.
Using Two Inputs
3) - Build an OR Gate (on or the other switch)
Two inputs are both connected to the output so either one can turn on the lamp.
4) - Build an AND Gate (both Inputs on = Output on)
Both the levers are connected to Redstone torches and there is one before the output too. This creates 2 NOT gates on the inputs and one on the output. This means both levers 1 AND 2, must be on to turn the lamp on.
Logic gates perform basic logical functions and are the fundamental building blocks of digital integrated circuits. Most logic gates take an input of two binary values, and output a single value of a 1 or 0. Some circuits may have only a few logic gates, while others, such as microprocessors, may have millions of them.
Task 1 - Building your own gates
Resources you will need
Build these four types of Logic Gate in Minecraft. What do you notice about their function?
Can you predict if the Lamp will be On or Off when you move the Levers?
Task 2
Use signs to label the Logic Gates correctly
Sign - Click and Type to label your logic gates
Task 3
Take a screen shot and post this on yo Google Site.
Press - Command + Shift + 3
Screenshot keys
My logic gates
Crop the image
Click Done and then insert into Sites
Use a content block or ...
insert Images and Text separately.