This week we are introducing Pistons. These can be used to make opening doors and other interesting contraptions. You can start a new build or try to link them to your previous creations.
See below for some ideas.
Pistons - Push blocks
Detector Rail - This will trigger if a cart goes over it
In this example the Detector Rail makes the Piston push the tower of sand!
What happens to the tower of sand when the minecart is running?
How could this fit into your bigger design?
Secret Stone Door
In this example, the pressure plate in the doorway sends a Redstone signal and triggers the Pistons to open the secret stone door!
Sticky Piston - These hold onto the block they push and pull it back
We can use Redstone Blocks mobile power sources stuck to Sticky Pistons or Slime blocks.
Redstone blocks are a fixed Power Source
Blocks will stick to Slime blocks