5 - Scratch Jr - Simple Tutorials (8 - 9) 

These last two activities teach you how to code sequential events in Scratch Jr. They both use the Envelope blocks to send a message to start a separate script in your program.

Remember to use Pause the Youtube videos while you do each step! Then play on when you are ready.

8. Meet and Greet <- instructions

We can code an interaction between characters! Use the envelope to send a message from one character to another.

9. Conversation <- instructions

Now try to code multiple interactions between characters! Send multiple messages among characters using different coloured envelopes.  Do you remember the register order?

Learning Intentions

Can I code an animation?

Success Criteria

  • I can add a character
  • I can change a background
  • I can sequence commands
  • I can code Messages
  • I can code Interactions