What's New: BPS Technology Blog
Not a technology related article, but the spine of teaching nonetheless.
From this post:http://pairadimes.davidtruss.com/6-key-ingredients-to-the-art-of-storytelling/
Some Ingredients in the Craft of Storytelling
Released - 23rd April 2015
- We now have a markbook, available on web and the Teacher Planner app. Release notes can be found here.
- For teachers, 'Manage Set Tasks' and 'Your Tasks' have been conflated into a single 'Tasks' dropdown in the black navigation bar, and 'Markbook' has been added.
- Teachers can now mark 'online' tasks without having to wait for students to submit work through Firefly.
- Firefly now has the ability to use salutations (Mr, Mrs, Admiral, etc) for parents & teachers. Further documentation can be found here.
- Firefly now reads the 'preferred name' from PASS by default, ignoring the middle name.
- We now have 'Parents Of' groups for Schoolbase.
- The 'bulk archive' feature has been made more prominent.
- We now use the set date for task ordering (since all tasks have a set date) and the ordering of archived tasks has been flipped to display the newest archived tasks first. The old 'due/set' pill has also been replaced with a 'newest/oldest' pill.
- We now use the correct site ID to populate email footers. This means that schools with multiple sites will no longer see the name of the wrong site.
- Read-only .pps files no longer throw an error when attempting to live edit.
- Columnist now displays attendance data nicely on a small screen.
- The Melody navigation menu now works as expected on Microsoft Surface.
- Galleries now load faster, which will be particularly beneficial on homepages where multiple galleries exist on a single page.
- Google Docs are now reliably scrollable on iPad.
- Profile pictures now display reliably when the school is using Guid matching for cloud.