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Osmo for the iPad

Update 16th May 2015

The Osmo arrived from the U.S. yesterday only 5 days after ordering it! I had to pay B1200 for customs duty so the total came to approximately $120 with shipping. The apps are free and the boys were quickly into playing with the standard games (Words & Tangram) with minimal guidance. They started to argue and who's turn it was quite quickly - a good sign of engagement in the Taylor clan. We have not explored the building app Newton, or the drawing Masterpiece app yet, I'll update with that later on....

Evaluating BYOD

Executive Summary: 

The ongoing debate regarding the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) model in schools warrants deeper analysis to help educators and institutions understand this provisioning model and its potential benefits and pitfalls for learning.

This discussion paper sets out to investigate the myths and understand which questions should be addressed when considering allowing students to bring their own devices, and which option might be best suited to a school or system’s culture. It is intended to stimulate discussion around what constitutes best practice 1-to-1 learning.

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