What's New: BPS Technology Blog
September, 2014
Classroom management is one of our main concerns as teachers. Preparing a healthy and student friendly environment conducive to learning is a pre-requisite for any effective instruction to take place. From arranging the setting of the classroom itself ( e.g students seats, empty space, instructor space...etc) to dealing with the different unexpected events that would pop up during instruction, classroom management is an integrative process that requires some serious work primarily from the part of the teacher. It is true that new teachers with no previous teaching experience are more likely to have problems with managing their classrooms but having a long teaching experience does not necessarily mean one is immune to issues of classroom management. It definitely takes more than experience alone to run a classroom because teaching is an art that draws on several closely knit particles to make up the whole picture.Over the last couple of weeks, I shared here a wide variety of resources, materials and tips on classroom management and there was a lot of interaction with these materials. Today, I am adding another wonderful resource packed full of classroom management posters and visuals. This is a Pinterest board curated by Edutopia which provides an excellent array of tips on how to effectively kick off your classroom community. I invite you to have a look and share with your colleagues.