Online Safety

Parents rely too much on schools to teach online safety, say teachers

Published on July 3, 2014,

Parents rely too much on schools to educate their children in staying safe online, according to teachers. This is from the Telegraph

Nearly two thirds of teachers told online security company AVG that they have not been formally trained to teach their pupils internet safety, while 85 per cent of the 1,800 person sample said the topic should be a dedicated part of the education syllabus.

Nearly two fifths of teachers, from countries including Australia, Brazil, Canada, the UK and New Zealand, said they had been approached by pupils concerned by internet safety issues, while over a quarter had spoken to students worried about cyberbullying.

When approached for advice on varies online safety issues, 28 per cent of the teachers questioned, on average, felt they were ‘insufficiently equipped’ or ‘not equipped at all’ to handle the issue.

Schools in Australia were the most likely to have set guidelines for dealing with cyberbullying issues, equating to around 80 per cent of the country’s schools.

While 91 per cent of UK teachers indicated their school offered IT classes, compared to around 72 per cent globally, only 37 per cent of teachers had formal training in online safety…

More at: Parents rely too much on schools to teach online safety, say teachers

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