It's all a load of CRAAP!

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Learning how to evaluate online content is an essential step in the process of developing  digitally literate students. I have already featured several materials on strategies and skills for students to evaluate web content and today I am adding a great resource from Lisa Hartman. The presentation below features the 5 elements ( CRAAP ) students should look for when evaluating online content. These elements according to Lisa are :

  • Currency
  • Relevance
  • Authority 
  • Accuracy 
  • Purpose 
Watch this short introduction to CRAAP


  •  Is the information too old.
  •  Is it still valid?
  •  Do you know how old the information is?


  •  Does it fit your needs?
  •  Was it intended for you, or written for another audience? (example: children, scientists).
  •  Does it make sense to use this web page?


  • Who is publishing this information? Organization , Person ?
  • Are they experts?
  •  Do you trust them?
  • Can you contact them or their organization for more information, or to make corrections?


  •  Is the information reliable, truthful, and correct?
  •  Does it match other information you’ve found?
  •  Professional appearance – Do you see spelling or grammar errors?
  •   Is it well organized and easy to navigate?
  •  Are they citing their sources?


  •  Why does this Website exist?
  •  Is it there to inform and educate?
  •  Is it trying sell you or convince you of something?

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