Firefly 5.1.4 Updates

Firefly 5.1.4 Changelog

  • Questions and answers can now both contain superscript and subscript characters.
  • Task attachments are now shown on the Profile view.
  • Online hand-in wording now clarified in the task setting workflow.
  • It is now possible to configure what behaviour information is shown in Parent Portal.
  • Gallery grid image captions now show when hovered over.
  • Task attachments can now be viewed by the parents of the recipient.
  • The Android Student Planner now works on Android 5 - Lollipop.
  • Adding a title or manual URL for a page now stores reliably.
  • You can now reliably add a tag to a newly created Firefly blog post.
  • RSS news feeds now more reliably show images.
  • Pupils now receive the correct URL in task update emails.
  • Dashboard notifications of comments are now deleted when the comment is deleted.
  • When a section is deleted the pages within that section are now reliably deleted.
  • Pupils added to a task after the task has been set can now see the entirety of the task.
  • Pages which are external links now do not show in WebDAV
  • The 'Create a news story' link on News Feed components now works reliably.
  • Guests can now expand folders in File List components.
  • Changing the name of a section now updates the name of the Section homepage.
  • Users can now delete a Sub-Section by deleting that Section's homepage (a warning has been added to explain this).
  • Scrolling now works reliably in the Edit Title box for tasks.
  • Fixed an issue where a group of schools sharing a single PASS installation could result in lessons being incorrectly named.
  • The time when pupils hand in work on cloud sites now displays reliably.
  • Various design fixes for the Melody template.
  • Fixed a bug where various hex characters in Firefly Shop tags would prevent the page from displaying correctly.
  • Improved the work flow of choosing and embedding Google Docs.
  • Page 'Last updated by' now works reliably.
  • When a user deletes a blog post from their personal blog that post is then removed from their profile.
  • If a Form is set to not allow multiple submissions, users can only submit a response once.
  • Improvements to the way certain URL keywords are handled in Firefly URLs.
  • Using an & in a task no longer causes display issues in the Android Student Planner.
  • The 'Find out more' button (used to find out more about how to annotate work on the iPad) now has the correct link.
  • Sub-items can now be added to Firefly Shop items more reliably.
  • Administrators can now consistently see all page recommendations for a page and have the ability to remove them.
  • .mdb files can now be downloaded from cloud sites without issue.
  • Unnecessary scrollbar removed on Calendar component dialogue box.
  • If multiple versions of Firefly Shop or Parent Portal are installed, only the most recently installed version will be loaded.
  • Longer URLs are now allowed within Firefly to cater for long file names in deeply nested folders.
  • Facility integration now no longer displays inactive groups.
  • Users without write access can now reliably delete their comments.
  • Users can now no longer comment on pages without being logged in.

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