Monday 30th March

Ms Cora and all of her friends say 'good morning'! We hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to another week of learning!

Keeping Children Safe Online...

Please support your children's online safety by sharing our continued learning code of conduct here:

Wake up and shake up with Ms Rachel and the 2 Ms Sarah's! I wonder how quickly you can 'chop, chop, choppity chop'? 

Singing nursery rhymes and songs to children can help develop their language and communication skills from an early age.

Birthday corner! Please send any birthday pictures to Mr Dan ( and we can use them to create a birthday gallery.

A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Audrey who is celebrating her special day today! We hope you have a fantastic day - from all your friends in the Foundation Stage!

If we have missed your child's birthday since school has been closed, please email your child's class teacher and we can add a photo to the blog.

These are some ideas for learning at home today. A reminder that you don't have to do all of these today. Maintaining a routine and a connection with school are the most important things! 

Non-fiction focus!

The language of non-fiction is very different to storytelling, and children often find non-fiction books easier to access because they don’t need to read the whole book cover to cover. Take this opportunity to discuss something your child is interested in, read a non-fiction book, magazine or website, and allow them to direct their learning in response to it. If children feel that they are in control of their own learning, they are often more motivated and engaged, developing good characteristics for effective learning.

Watch Ms Clare's video below and then find out about something - anything -that you are interested in! 

Choose a non-fiction book, magazine or website that your child is interested in and share it together. Allow your child to lead the learning - which parts are they most interested in? Where do they want to take the ideas that they’ve learnt about? There is no 'wrong' way to do this challenge - find something your child is interested in and help them to explore it! For example:

Snack time - we know that, just like Navy and his family, you love your healthy snacks! 

Mathematics - measure hunt!

Measure in early years is about using the vocabulary related to measure: longer, taller, shorter, heavier, lighter, full, empty, quicker, slower etc.. At this stage we do not yet use units of measure such as centimeters, kilogram etc.

Can you complete this 'Measure Hunt'? You could try to use some of our special measure vocabulary: smaller, bigger, longer, shorter, wider, thinner, taller. You could also try to use superlatives: longest. tallest, shortest etc!

For example:

Lunch time - we have our first people in the 'Hand Washing Gallery'! Please send any pictures into and Mr Dan will add them to the blog.

Be a germ buster!

Our young learners are constantly looking for patterns and change to help them better understand the world. By asking lots of questions, children are organising their thinking and extending their questioning. Can you support them to construct who, what, where, why, how, which questions?

Be a germ buster - watch as the germs (pepper) move away from your soapy hands. Can you understand the science behind it? To include a chance for your child to use technology, they could try filming the experiment themselves to share on this blog - email them into to

Physical development - don't let that balloon drop!

This is a great activity that helps to develop children’s hand-eye coordination, as well as getting their heart pumping! It’s also loads of FUN!

Simply blow up a balloon and tell your child to keep the balloon from touching the floor. Can they use different body parts to keep the balloon up? Hands, feet, head, chest etc. How long can they keep the balloon up without letting it drop? Can they balance an object on their head whilst keeping the balloon up? What challenges can they invent for themselves or their friends?

Good learning can take a long time - look at our ongoing projects from home! Please share any pictures or (short) videos for the blog with Mr Dan (

Little Inventors Update

The 'Little Inventors Challenge' gives children the opportunity to develop and showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills, build their confidence, curiosity and resilience. See our blog from Wednesday 25th for more details!

Look at these Little Inventors who have taken up the challenge so far!

Check our Varin's Little Inventor videos!

Check our Avery's Little Inventor video!

Check out Minami's Little Inventor videos!

Abby has had her invention shared by the Little Inventors twitter feed (@LittleInventors)! You can find a link to her 'smoothie shoe' video here

If you wanted to add your idea to Dominic's website, just ask your Mummy and Daddy to follow the instructions at this link!

Hungry Caterpillar Update

Poppy and her sister made very hungry animals from playdough

Creative in the Kitchen

Lots of you have been busy baking and making in your kitchens. It would be great to share any pictures AND recipes that you may have. Please send them to the usual email -

Story Time!

Due to potential copyright issues, please do not download or share these stories - thank you.

Goodbye! See you all tomorrow