Foundation Stage Continued Learning Tuesday 28th April

Good morning FS1 and FS2: click the links to find the video from your class teacher!

FS1: FSC    FSH    FSJ    FSD

FS2: FSR    FSE    FSK    FSS    FSL    FSM

We have had so much wonderful learning shared from home that we have now created a 'Sharing Our Learning' gallery on the main page so we can keep on adding more!

This Week Foundation Stage Children are going to become...

If you Missed Miss Sarah's "Sneaky Peak" on Friday, here it is again!

Phase 1- Research and Ideas

Further Explanation

Phase one is all about finding out what kind of creativity excited your child! We have provided a wide range of different types of art to get their creative juices flowing. It's important for children to know that there are many different ways to be creative.

It’s really great for you to discuss which examples are their favourites and why.

It’s REALLY important that adults allow the children to choose for themselves the kind of creations that they want to engage in. We have provided examples of colour, texture, shape and pattern form them to see

We would also like you to talk to your child about WHAT or WHO their artwork is for. It’s good for the children to have a goal!

Early Years Development Matters Indicators:

  • Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for particular purposes.
  • Children know that information can be retrieved from computers
  • Children know about similarities and differences in relation to objects and materials.
  • Children can express what they like / don’t like and why.

We are also developing our Characteristics of Effective Learning: Motivation

Here are some links for parents, explaining the way that expressive art works best for the youngest learners.

Creativity in Early Years (quite an old video but still very relevant) -

Process v’s Product Art for Parents

30 Early Years Art Examples:

Tinker Lab Sculpture Projects

Research Time...Shape Art

For lots more shape and colour ideas click below!

Teacher's Favourite - Mr Dan

Teacher's Favourite - Miss Louise

Exploring Colour

Lovely Colour Mixing Song:

Useful Early Year Art Web Links:

Stories about Colour: Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni

Sky Colour by Peter Reynolds

Teacher's Favourite - Miss Clare

Teachers Favourite - Miss Cora

Texture Art and Natural Art:

Exiting ideas for loose part art:

Natural Outdoor Art

Environmental Art 

Eric Carle Inspired collage art:

Exploring Pattern

Which kind of art makes you feel excited?

What kinds of art interested you?

What or who could your Art be for? Click below for Ideas?

What could your artwork be for? Ie:

A gift for someone?

To decorate a place in your home?

To make your garden look wonderful?

To go in your window?

To save forever?

To make, take photos of and then reuse?

Want to start exploring? 

Phase Two - Play and Explore

Miss Becky's Doodle Board:

Some Suggestions for Playing and Exploring:

Can children talk about what you are doing when you’re exploring: “I’m mixing it all together to see what colour it makes”

“I’m scrunching them up to make them smaller”

What will you need to explore?

What do you have at home that you can explore? Loose parts, natural things (from your garden) paint, coloured pencils, chalks, junk etc..

Can you test different techniques ie:Colour mixing, collage, natural art, loose part art, drawing, painting, sculpture?

Do a tally chart for your friends and family to tell you which one they like best to help you to decide. Use video call or email to show friends and family too

Click for advice for parents:

Playing and exploring is THE most valuable stage in this journey. Remember the best learning is in the process not the end product! 

Exploration how children discover their interests and play around, notice details. Children should be able to explore in whatever way they wish. Usually the messier the better! 

Parents please remember to do your best to hold back from suggesting what or how the children explore. If you stand back for long enough, we promise your children will surprise you with their amazing ideas. 

When children have ideas and make discoveries this is ACTUAL physical brain development. By having experiences and finding out things in play, new neurological pathways are created in the brain. When children follow instructions from adults, these pathways are much weaker because they don’t involve thinking! We challenge you to explore indoors, outdoors, in messy ways too. Have fun!

Encourage the children to talk about which things they like most and why. You can also give the children feedback:

I love the way that you did this because….

Have you thought about…….

Early Years Development Matters Indicators

  • Can talk about some of the things they have observed whilst they explore - “Look mummy is going brown!”
  • Explores what happens when they mix colours.
  • Experiments to create different textures.
  • Understands that different media can be combined to create new effects.
  • Understands that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use these shapes to represent objects.
  • Beginning to be interested in and describe the texture of things.
  • Beginning to construct, stacking blocks vertically and
  • horizontally, making enclosures and creating spaces.
  • Uses familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models.

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Taking a risk, engaging in new experiences and learning by trial and error.

Using senses to explore the world around them

Engaging in open-ended activity

Showing high levels of energy, fascination

Music with our Special Guest! 

We invite you to upload a short video of your child singing Every Little Cell’ to ILD. It can be the whole song or part of it, with an instrument (like a salt shaker or cornflakes) or without! We will take the videos and make a compilation to share with our community. If you do not wish to take part in that, there is no need to upload a video.

Catherine sings us her version of Every Little Cell

This song was recently composed by a Tasmanian Music Therapist: Every Little Cell

Birthday corner! 

A huge 'Happy Birthday' to Benjamin in FSE and Sarah in FSR who celebrate their special days today! Have a wonderful day from all your friends in the Foundation Stage!

These are some ideas for learning at home today. A reminder that you don't have to do all (or any) of these today. Maintaining a routine and a connection with school are the most important things! 

Ms Chree wants to know 'What makes you happy?'

Think of and talk about the things that make you happy. Draw and cut out a heart shaped piece of paper. Draw the things that make you happy.

คิดและพูดถึงเรื่องต่างๆที่ทำให้เรามีความสุข วาดรูปหัวใจลงบนกระดาษและตัดออกมา หรือ วาดรูปอะไรก็ได้ที่ทำให้เรารู้สึกมีความสุข

Lunch time - have you eaten any carbohydrates today?

Phonics Time!

FS1 - rhyme time

Rhyming teaches children how language works.allowing them to notice and understand the sounds within words. Anticipating the rhyming word prepares them to make predictions when they read which will be an important reading skill.

Throughout the day play I Spy inside or outside of your home. Use simple, one syllable rhyming words as the rhyming clues.

ให้เด็กๆเล่น เล่น I Spy ทั้งในและนอกบ้าน ให้ใช้ คำศัพท์ที่เป็นพยางค์เดียวมที่คล้องจองกัน มาเป็นตัวใบ้ เช่น

“I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with bear...chair!”

ฉันเห็น อะไรเอ่ยที่คล้องจองกับ Bear…..Chair!

“I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with bat...hat!”

ฉันเห็น อะไรเอ่ยที่คล้องจองกับ Bat…..Hat!

FS2 - er sound

Story Time - click the file to read along at home!

Brown Bear (English version)

Brown Bear (Thai version)

Due to potential copyright issues, please do not download or share these stories - thank you.


Useful Information

Click to Reveal Online Learning Code of Conduct 

Click to reveal - ILD user Guide For Parents