FS2 Continuing Student Learning W/C Monday 13th September
Sophie Riley
Welcome to Week 5
Click on your class to see your 'Weekly Celebration Video'. Take a sneaky peek at some other classes too, can you spot any of your other friends?
This Week's Learning
Communication and Language with Ms Elizabeth
Guidance- English
Last week we had a look at where we live and what we do in our spaces. This week we will be looking to animals to explore where they live, who they live with and what they do in their homes.
Session 1
We will explore the habitats of tiny minibeasts who live in our gardens. You will need
writing tools (pencil, pen, crayon…)
Session 2
We will explore underwater habitats. You will need:
Please come to our PD sessions in clothes that allow you to move freely. We suggest either wearing your FS2 PE kit, or shorts/trousers and a t shirt. Skirts and dresses, although lovely are not practical for these sessions.
Guidance- English
Are you ready to dance? Let’s begin our first lesson next week with a ribbon dance. We will move in different ways and create shapes with our ribbons. It will then be time to do some bowling! Bowling is so much fun. We will keep track of how many pins we knock down using both our hands and feet.
For our second lesson we will be working on our Fine Motor skill development. Our activities will involve matching pegs to numbers and also matching pom poms to numbers using chopsticks or tongs.
We will read a non-fiction book about hearing. We will think about different sounds we hear during the day.
We will listen carefully to the sounds we can hear.
After the session I will encourage your child to go outside or open the window and really listen to the sounds they can hear. Here are some questions I will ask:
I wonder how many different sounds you can hear?
Do you know what is making those sounds you can hear?
I wonder if there are any sounds you can hear inside your home?
I wonder who makes the most noise in your family?
I wonder what is the loudest sound you have ever heard?
I wonder what is the quietest sound you have ever heard?
Use an instrument you have at home and experiment playing it. If you don't have one, can you use junk modelling to make an instrument?
Click on your class to see what resources you need to have ready for this week's SGL Calls:
Me and My World Book
In your Resource Pack, you will have noticed a large art book. This is your child's, 'Me and My World Book'.
Guidance- English
Research into communication, language and emotional development tells us that young children need opportunities to talk about and share their interests and family life with others. Once back in school, this book will help to create a sense of belonging and will encourage children to talk to their friends and teachers.
This book will come home from school many times throughout the year to be updated.
What we would like you to do now:
As this is a prompt for talk, we would like you to help your child to include some of the following:
Photographs of family members and other special people
Particular interests and hobbies
Holiday photographs
Special events (cultural or family celebrations)
Favourite foods
Favourite music, TV shows, toys, characters etc..
You do not need to print everything. Children can draw their favourite things or cut out snippets from magazines or leaflets. Your child can decorate the front cover of their book anyway they wish!
We suggest, that at this time, you don’t use more than 4 or 5 pages. This will ensure there is plenty of space for your child to add and reflect upon their experiences and interests throughout the rest of the school year.
Enjoy starting to create this special book together!
To see how powerful the 'Me and My World Book' can be in supporting and prompting communication, watch the way these students engage over some family photos:
Join Mr Charlie for a Music session at 1pm on Thursday.
Also, watch and join in as he sings 'Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands'.
Child Initiated Resource Pack Learning
Take a look at some of the ways you can explore your Learning Pack this week. Remember, these are just ideas and should your exploration take a different direction, GO FOR IT!
We really love to see videos and photos of what you have been doing at home. The best way to share this with us is via the Seesaw App. You should have received communication about how to download and login to the app. If you have not received this, please email the ISIT helpdesk- helpdesk@patana.ac.th.
There are no birthdays this week in FS2.
Home- School Communication
We hope that you have enjoyed engaging with the FS2 Blog this week.
If you have any concerns or queries about your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via email. They can then arrange a mutually convenient time to meet via MS Teams. Our class teachers always welcome the opportunity to discuss your child’s needs and progress.