FS1 Continuing Student Learning Thursday 2nd September

Small Group Learning Calls

You should have received email communication from your class teacher regarding the timings of your Small Group Learning Calls. Please familiarize yourself with the reminders below:

Click for Reminders

Your class teachers are all really excited about seeing you this morning on Microsoft Teams.

Don't forget, that during our calls:

  • we make sure a grown up is always nearby
  • we are fully dressed
  • we don't eat whilst on a call
  • we wait for our class teacher to start the call

คุณครูประจำชั้นของเด็กๆ ตื่นเต้นกันมากเลยค่ะ ที่จะได้เจอเด็กๆ ผ่าน Microsoft Teams

อย่าลืมนะคะ ในระหว่างที่เราคุยกัน

  • ต้องมีผู้ใหญ่อยู่ใกล้ๆเด็กๆ ตลอดเวลา
  • แต่งตัวให้เรียบร้อย
  • ไม่รับประทานอาหารในขณะที่วีดีโอคุยกันอยู่
  • คุณครูประจำชั้นจะเป็นผู้เริ่มโทรหาเด็กทำนั้นค่ะ ให้รอจนกว่าคุณครูจะโทรไปค่ะ

Sign 4 Learning

This week our special question word is, who? 

Let's Wake Up and Shake Up

Say a funky good morning with your class teachers today!

Once Upon a Time...

Guidance- English

We have loved seeing the ways you put yourselves into the shoes of so many different characters. Over the next two days, we wonder if you’d like to have a go exploring the words and ideas of a few different characters as a puppet master! 

You may like to use some of your own toys or puppets to act in your theatre. Or, make puppets using drawings, photos or felt! Your puppets can tell stories, solve problems or role play everyday life.

Guidance- Thai

คุณครูชอบที่ได้เห็นวิธีที่เด็กๆสวมบทบาทของตัวละครต่างๆมากมาย ในอีกสองวันข้างหน้าคุณครูสงสัยว่าเด็กๆอยากจะออกไปสำรวจคำพูดและแนวคิดของตัวละครอื่นที่แตกต่างกันในรูปแบบหุ่นกระบอกหรือไม่ เด็กๆอาจใช้ของเล่นหรือหุ่นกระบอกของตัวเองเพื่อแสดงในโรงละครของเด็กๆ หรือสร้างหุ่นกระบอกโดยใช้ภาพวาด ภาพถ่าย หรือทำด้วยผ้า หุ่นกระบอกของเด็กๆสามารถบอกเล่าเรื่องราว แก้ไขปัญหา หรือสวมบทบาทในชีวิตประจำวันก็ได้


Check out Ms Mameow’s puppet show for inspiration!

Physical Development

Drawing Lines and Circles

Can you draw some lines and circles? Use some crayons or markers and have a go! Your teachers would love to see your creations on seesaw!

เด็กๆจะลองวาดรูปเส้นหลายเส้นหรือวงกลมหลายวงกันมั้ยคะโดยเด็กๆลองใช้สีเทียนหรือปากกาที่มีสีและลองวาดกันดูนะคะ คุณครูอยากจะเห็นความคิดสร้างสรรค์ของเด็กๆบนSeeSawด้วยนะคะ

We Love To See Your Learning

We really love to see videos and photos of what you have been doing at home. The best way to share this with us is via the Seesaw App. You should have received communication about how to download and login to the app. If you have not received this, please email the ISIT helpdesk- helpdesk@patana.ac.th

Let's Explore our Resource Packs

If you picked up your Resource Packs from school, why not check out some of these ideas about how your child can explore using the packs:

About Our Learning Packs

Dear Parents

As Patana’s Continuing Student Learning (CSL) period continues into a new term, children and teachers will be learning what makes great lessons online and honing their skills on the technology; however, for our youngest students, screen time is not always so easy. Whilst our youngest students love working with their teacher onscreen, they also benefit immensely from hands-on, practical and creative tasks that aren’t always easy to deliver online.

If there’s anything our fantastic Foundation Team enjoy, it’s a challenge. So, over the last week, our team put together these fantastic home learning packs to bring Continuing Student Learning to life. Our home learning packs enhance our students’ learning and supplement our teachers’ home learning activities. They include activities that cover all aspects of the Early Years Seven Learning Areas. You can visit our CSL blog which includes some home learning ideas for our open ended resources, learning opportunities and key questions. The bags provide a fun, practical and creative learning opportunity for all of our Foundation Stage students!

Over the course of a 3 week period, the bags will contain materials that can support the learning from home. Your child’s class teacher will be in touch via email with instructions of how to access the blog for some inspiration. We kindly ask that you take great care of all the resources provided and return these to school at the end of the 3 week period prior to picking up your new bag.

We hope you enjoy exploring these packs alongside our CSL provision and as always, please do contact your child’s class teacher if you have any queries regarding the learning.

Kind Regards,

The Foundation Stage Team

Whole Class Story Time- 11:10am

Join your class teacher, TAs and fellow students for a story before you head off to eat lunch.  Connect to this via the 'calendar' tab on your MS Teams account.

Additional Stories

If, like us, you love listening to stories, check out our Week 3 digital bookshelf:

Home-School Communication

We hope that you are enjoying engaging with the FS1 Blog .

If you have any concerns or queries about your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via email. They can then arrange a mutually convenient time to meet via MS Teams. Our class teachers always welcome the opportunity to discuss your child’s needs and progress.

Important Documents

FS Student Safeguarding- CSL