FS1 Continuing Student Learning Friday 27th August

Our Weekly Celebration Videos

What a fantastic week of learning we have seen in FS1! Your teachers, TAs and specialist teachers have loved seeing the learning and experiences you have been sharing during your SGL calls and on Seesaw.

Click on your class to see your 'Weekly Celebration Video'.  Take a sneaky speak at some other classes too, can you spot any of your other friends?

  1. FSG

  2. FSM

  1. FSC

  2. FSJ

Small Group Learning Calls

Join your friends, TAs and Class Teacher for more fun during the Small Group Learning Calls.

Click for Reminders

Your class teachers are all really excited about seeing you this morning on Microsoft Teams.

Don't forget, that during our calls:

  • we make sure a grown up is always nearby
  • we are fully dressed
  • we don't eat whilst on a call
  • we wait for our class teacher to start the call

คุณครูประจำชั้นของเด็กๆ ตื่นเต้นกันมากเลยค่ะ ที่จะได้เจอเด็กๆ ผ่าน Microsoft Teams

อย่าลืมนะคะ ในระหว่างที่เราคุยกัน

  • ต้องมีผู้ใหญ่อยู่ใกล้ๆเด็กๆ ตลอดเวลา
  • แต่งตัวให้เรียบร้อย
  • ไม่รับประทานอาหารในขณะที่วีดีโอคุยกันอยู่
  • คุณครูประจำชั้นจะเป็นผู้เริ่มโทรหาเด็กทำนั้นค่ะ ให้รอจนกว่าคุณครูจะโทรไปค่ะ

Sign 4 Learning

Each week, we will focus on one important question word. We will explore the meaning of the question word and practice both asking and answering. 

This week our special question word is, what?

Let's Wake Up and Shake Up

Get your body and brains working with some of our teachers:

Small World Creators

Guidance in English

We have loved seeing how you explore your small world spaces! We bet that you have used lots of interesting ideas, words and phrases as you pretended to be different characters in so many exciting worlds!

We explore using language in new ways when we engage our senses of touch and smell.

Do you think you could change or create a small world space using some of your Resource Pack sensory fun? How does your play change if your small world is in your rainbow rice? What if you add in the soft, fluffy pom poms? Is there something else you could add at home? Maybe water or ice? Bubbles or paint?

Guidance in Thai

คุณครูชอบดูสิ่งที่เด็กๆสำรวจดินแดนบนโลกบนใบเล็กของเด็กๆมากค่ะ คุณครูคิดว่าเด็กๆได้ใช้ความคิดที่น่าสนใจมากมาย คำต่างๆ และวลีเมื่อเด็กๆแกล้งเป็นตัวละคร

ที่ต่างกันออกไปในโลกที่น่าตื่นเต้นใบนี้ เด็กๆได้ใช้ภาษาในวิธีที่ต่างกันออกไปเมื่อเด็กๆได้ใช้เวลาในการสัมผัสหรือการได้กลิ่น พวกเด็กๆคิดว่าเด็กจะลองเปลี่ยนหรือใช้ความคิดสร้างสรรค์ในการสร้างดินแดนโลกใบเล็กโดยใช้ของที่มีอยู่ในถุงที่ได้รับมาจากโรงเรียนกันนะคะ การเล่นของเด็กจะเปลี่ยนไปอย่างไรบ้างถ้าดินแดนที่เด็กๆสร้างจะไปอยู่ในข้าวสีรุ้งค่ะ จะเกิดอะไรขึ้นถ้าเด็กๆได้เพิ่มปอมปอมที่นิ่มและปุยลงไปในดินแดนโลกใบเล็กของเด็กๆกันล่ะคะ มีอะไรอีกคะที่เด็กๆสามารถใช้เพิ่มเติมลงไปในที่บ้าน อาจจะเป็นน้ำเปล่าหรือน้ำแข็ง ฟองอากาศหรือสีน้ำก็ได้นะคะ

Your teachers have enjoyed exploring their senses alongside their small world play. Check out their language and learning for inspiration:

Don't forget to share your learning with your teachers on Seesaw!


Come and join Miss Karen for some Friday Music Fun!

Let's Explore our Resource Packs

If you picked up your Resource Packs from school, why not check out some of these ideas about how your child can explore using the packs:

About Our Learning Packs

Dear Parents

As Patana’s Continuing Student Learning (CSL) period continues into a new term, children and teachers will be learning what makes great lessons online and honing their skills on the technology; however, for our youngest students, screen time is not always so easy. Whilst our youngest students love working with their teacher onscreen, they also benefit immensely from hands-on, practical and creative tasks that aren’t always easy to deliver online.

If there’s anything our fantastic Foundation Team enjoy, it’s a challenge. So, over the last week, our team put together these fantastic home learning packs to bring Continuing Student Learning to life. Our home learning packs enhance our students’ learning and supplement our teachers’ home learning activities. They include activities that cover all aspects of the Early Years Seven Learning Areas. You can visit our CSL blog which includes some home learning ideas for our open ended resources, learning opportunities and key questions. The bags provide a fun, practical and creative learning opportunity for all of our Foundation Stage students!

Over the course of a 3 week period, the bags will contain materials that can support the learning from home. Your child’s class teacher will be in touch via email with instructions of how to access the blog for some inspiration. We kindly ask that you take great care of all the resources provided and return these to school at the end of the 3 week period prior to picking up your new bag.

We hope you enjoy exploring these packs alongside our CSL provision and as always, please do contact your child’s class teacher if you have any queries regarding the learning.

Kind Regards,

The Foundation Stage Team

Whole Class Story Time- 11:10am

Join your class teacher, TAs and fellow students for a story before you head off to eat lunch.  Connect to this via the 'calendar' tab on your MS Teams account.

Additional Stories

If, like us, you love listening to stories, click on the picture of one of the stories below to listen to one of our teachers or TAs read them.  (Slide 1 are stories read in English, slide 2 are stories read in Thai.)

Home-School Communication

We hope that you are enjoying engaging with the FS1 Blog.

If you have any concerns or queries about your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via email. They can then arrange a mutually convenient time to meet via MS Teams. Our class teachers always welcome the opportunity to discuss your child’s needs and progress.

A Message from Principal, Sarah McCormack