Foundation Stage Continued Learning Friday 26th June

Looking ahead to the holidays

Parents - For the last two weeks of the academic year, we have been Little Movers!  This means we have been focusing on talking to the children about the changes they will experience as they move into new classes next year.  

Changes can bring up many different emotions, including excitement, worry, curiosity and concern.  By talking with children about the multi-faceted experiences of change, we can help the transition feel smoother for them.

Over the holidays, we invite you and your child to take some time to rest and recharge after this unusual academic year.  We invite you to play, read and talk together as the strongest foundation of learning. 

Before the new academic year begins, we suggest you begin to talk with your child about their new class, classroom, teacher and friends.  Below you will find all the transition videos that the teams have made, as well as the class teachers' videos for your child to become used to seeing their new class teacher.

We have also included a compilation of stories, physical development, music and sensory play for you to keep accessing, if you wish.

On behalf of the FS team, we'd like to say it has been a pleasure learning with your child this year, and we wish them all the best for the next academic year.  If you are returning to Patana next year, we look forward to seeing you then.  If you are moving on, we will miss you and wish you the best for your new adventure.

Happy holidays!

- the FS team

FS1  to FS2 Transition: New Class Teachers

Click on your new teacher to watch their welcome video.

Watch your new teacher reading a story:

Transition videos:

Watch the FS1 team talk through the things that will be new in FS2.

FS2 to Year 1 Transition

Click on your new teacher to watch their welcome video.

Watch your new teacher and the members of the Year 1 team reading a story:

Transition videos:

Watch the current team talk through life in Year 1.

  • The Year 1 playground here and here
  • Green area and field here and here
  • Blue area here
  • Swimming pool and walking to lunch here
  • Music and ICT rooms here
  • Library here
  • Walking from the bus here

Stories about changes

Physical Development

Here are a compilation of PD videos from Ms Gemma and the team.  Try to stay active every day for both physical and mental health.  You might also like to revisit the Cosmic Kids YouTube channel and the Go Noodle website for addition physical activity ideas.

Click on the icons to go to the different PD videos:

Sensory play

Ms Chree has compiled many ideas for how you can keep using sensory play throughout the holidays.

Click Here to access the document.


Click Here for access to a bookshelf full of musical stories!

Birthday Corner

There are 33 children in FS1 and FS2 who will celebrate their birthday during the holidays.  Happy birthday to you all!

Story Time

You can choose your own book from our digital bookshelves - just click on the book covers on the bookshelves below to listen to each story.

English language

Thai language

Due to potential copyright issues, please do not download or share these stories - thank you.


Useful Information

Click to Reveal Online Learning Code of Conduct 

Click to reveal - ILD troubleshooting

Click to reveal - ILD user Guide For Parents